September 7, 2005

T-Minus 23 1/2 Hours or so to the BIG Laffey Announcement
Carroll Andrew Morse
Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey has a big announcement planned for tommorrow. Here's the announcement of the announcement, from a flier sent around by the Mayor...
Mayor Stephen P. Laffey has a really BIG announcement to make. Repeat: Really "BIG" Laffey announcement. And he wants YOU to hear it!Perhaps Mayor Laffey has learned what's inside of the hatch on Lost. Can anyone think of other possibilities? For those interested in attending, here are the particulars...
September 8, 2005. 5:15 Doors open. 6:00 PM (sharp!) Mayor's announcement. Knights of Columbus Hall, 1047 Park Ave., Cranston.
6:27 PM