November 2, 2005

Is the Projo Making Samuel Alito's Religion an Issue?

Carroll Andrew Morse

Today�s Projo editorial on Samuel Alito contains at least one sentence requiring clarification�

One particularly troubling example of Judge Alito's approach is his dissent in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. In that case he backed a Pennsylvania law that required a woman seeking an abortion to consult her husband. It is her body. But then, as Judge Alito's mother, Rose Alito, noted, "Of course he's against abortion." The judge is a Catholic. The Journal continues to support a woman's right to choose abortion.
The context in which Alito�s religion is mentioned seems to imply that the fact that �the judge is Catholic� contributes to the judge�s �troubling approach�.

Is that the correct interpretation? If not, then why mention Judge Alito�s religion at all?