November 9, 2005

Are Terrell Owens and Guy Dufault Related?
Andrew points out that Guy Dufault's so-called apology to Governor Carcieri wasn't really an apology. As the Governor himself said, "[Dufault] only apologized for inadvertently allowing his plans to smear me and my family to become public."
Yesterday also brought us Philadelphia Eagle wide receiver Terrell Owens' "apology statement:"
I fight for what I think is right. In doing so, I alienated a lot of my fans and my teammates...This is very painful for me to be in this position...I know in my heart that I can help the team win the Super Bowl and not only be a dominant player, but also be a team player. I can bring that...
I would like to reiterate my respect for Donovan McNabb as a quarterback and as a teammate...I apologize to him for any comments that may have been negative...
It really hurts me not to be part of the team anymore...
It is a sad commentary on American culture that such words have become typical in American public life. The non-apology apology. The utter failure to take responsibility for words and deeds. Sorry for getting caught, with no true penance for the core action itself.
Dufault and Owens are related. And their ilk will stay related until the American people insist that public officials - in all walks of life - be held truly accountable for their words and deeds.
Dufault's comments are the best thing that ever happened for the Governor.
Dufault has inadvertently proven everything Carcieri has said about the unions. They are concerned solely about themselves and will tear anyone down who tries to get in their way, whether it be through lies or personal attacks. The unions can go ahead and spend millions of dollars on advertising, but this incident is what Rhode Islanders will remember--the unpackaged, spin-free truth about how they operate.
Kudos to the Governor for taking Dufault head-on when it would have been easier to avoid the issue altogether!
Posted by: Anthony at November 9, 2005 9:57 AM