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January 31, 2006

Olympia Snowe Votes FOR Alito

Marc Comtois

Contrast Maine "RINO" Sen. Olympia Snowe's reasoning for supporting the nomination of Judge Alito to that put forth by Senator Chafee for opposing Judge Alito (via Bench Memos).

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME) today announced that she will vote to confirm the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to be the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Snowe released the following statement:

"This nomination presented me with a close and difficult decision. It was only after a careful, full, and fair review of Judge Alito�s judicial record, as well as the role of the Senate and the founding fathers� intent for the confirmation process, that I have concluded I will vote to confirm him to the Supreme Court.

�While I have several concerns with this nomination, history has consistently demonstrated that predicting how a justice will rule on a particular case is inherently unreliable. Therefore, I believe the most appropriate standard of review should include a comprehensive evaluation that measures intellectual ability, diversity of professional experience, and reputation for integrity and fairness. A nominee must also demonstrate a commitment to judging individual cases on their own merits and with an open mind, a mainstream judicial methodology and philosophy, and a respect for court precedents.

"Based on the totality of his qualifications, Judge Alito appears to meet these standards, as evidenced by the American Bar Association�s highest rating of �well-qualified,� as well as his judicial record and Senate testimony. The unprecedented statements of support from well-respected Circuit Court judges who have served with him � judges who were appointed by both Democrat and Republican presidents � also proved compelling.

�What we do here today will have a profound impact on preserving the integrity of the confirmation process � and I think each of us individually and collectively should take this responsibility seriously to achieve this goal.� {emphasis added}

[Full disclosure: While in the House of Representatives, then-Congresswoman Snowe nominated me to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, which I accepted.)


I enjoy your coverage of the Alito nomination,and insight into RI politics. Longtime Republican, new to RI.
Bob Washburn

Posted by: Bob Washburn at January 31, 2006 1:31 PM

Welcome Bob (and thanks for using your real name). I wish more would be as up front....*steps off soapbox*

As for the fact that you're a "Longtime Republican, new to RI", you'll find that there are quite a few of us non-natives hereabouts. Even after a decade, I still suspect I'm not considered as being "from Rhode Island."

Posted by: Marc Comtois at January 31, 2006 2:01 PM


I is tough to be a transplant i have been here for over 23 years and still am a transplant. Which USMMA did you go to?

Posted by: Fred on the Blog at January 31, 2006 4:45 PM

Fred, There is only one USMMA, to which I linked in the main post. C'mon Fred!

Posted by: Marc Comtois at January 31, 2006 4:59 PM

"While I have several concerns with this nomination, history has consistently demonstrated that predicting how a justice will rule on a particular case is inherently unreliable. Therefore, I believe the most appropriate standard of review should include a comprehensive evaluation that measures intellectual ability, diversity of professional experience, and reputation for integrity and fairness. A nominee must also demonstrate a commitment to judging individual cases on their own merits and with an open mind, a mainstream judicial methodology and philosophy, and a respect for court precedents."

This came out of the mouth of Sen. Olympia Snowe! If I didn't know who said that, Snowe wouldn't have been my first choice -- more like 54th! If someone like her can actually "get it" - even considering her strong RINO record, why the heck not can't Chafee? Good Lord.

Posted by: Will at February 1, 2006 3:49 AM