March 27, 2006

Lieutenant Governor Fogarty Wants Term Limits on State Legislators

Carroll Andrew Morse

Did you know that current Lieutenant Governor and gubernatorial candidate Charles Fogarty favors term limits for Rhode Island legislators? (h/t RI Future)…

I will make Rhode Island this country’s leader for clean, honest, effective government that respects the values of our citizens.

I’m going to do that by calling for term limits in the state legislature, just as we have for the general officers. This will eliminate the temptation and ability of officials to build backroom networks for their own gain.

Ian Donnis of the Providence Phoenix also mentions term limits in his coverage of Fogarty’s official campaign announcement.

But if Lieutenant Governor Fogarty believes term limits are a good idea, then why hasn’t he introduced a term limits bill during any of his eight legislative sessions as lieutenant governor? And given that record, why should the people of Rhode Island expect him to introduce one should he become governor?