Republican Cty Councilman Allan Fung has officially announced his candidacy for Mayor of Cranston. In his announcement speech, Mr. Fung promised to build upon the successes Cranston has had in restoring government accountability and fiscal responsibility in the last four years�
As your Citywide Councilman, I worked relentlessly with Mayor [Steve] Laffey and many others to pull Cranston back from the brink of financial disaster. We made difficult decisions that had not been made for far too long. We cut wasteful spending, and implemented safeguards to ensure that appropriate checks and balances were in place. The concept of local government accountability was being restored. I�m proud to say that we have put Cranston back on track to fiscal stability. In three short years, we�ve gone from the verge of bankruptcy to once again enjoying the benefits of an investment grade bond rating.Mr. Fung has already succeeded in winning two citywide elections for the at-large council seat that he holds. The entire text of Mr. Fung�s speech can be found at his official campaign website.We can not, however, allow complacency to set in because in reality much work remains to be done. We have come too far during these last few years to go back to the old ways of doing business. Cranston needs someone who has seen firsthand the devastating results when elected officials put their own needs ahead of those who elected them. We must continue the progress of the last four years.
Allan Fung is the only fiscally responsible candidate with the integrity, compassion and judgement to lead this city forward.
Posted by: Cranston4Life at March 31, 2006 1:42 AM