April 4, 2006

US Census Bureau: Rhode Island 10th in Per-Pupil Spending
Carroll Andrew Morse
The Associated Press is reporting on the release of United States Census Bureau report detailing the amounts spent on elementary and secondary education in each state. Here's the AP summary of New England...
Vermont spent an average of $11,128 on each of its public school students, which is the fourth highest per pupil spending in the nation...Another number from the report that jumps out is that Rhode is 51st (dead last) in terms of "capital outlays" at $28,171,000. Here is the definition of a capital outlay...Vermont was not alone among its New England neighbors in having a high per-pupil spending level. Connecticut was fifth at $10,788; Massachusetts was sixth at $10,693, Rhode Island was 10th at $9,903, Maine was 11th at $9,534, and New Hampshire was 17th at $8,860, the Census Bureau said.
This category refers to the direct expenditure by public school systems for construction of buildings and roads; purchases of equipment, land, and existing structures; and for payments on capital leases. Amounts for additions, replacements, and major alterations to fixed works and structures are included. However, expenditure for maintenance and minor repairs to buildings and equipment is classified as current spending.For comparison, Delaware, also a small state, spent $158,252,000 on capital outlays.
5:03 PM
Boy, it seems to me that in just about every state they spend more taxpayer money per pupil in public school than they would if they gave every kid school vouchers so they can attend private school. But, of course, people still think that "public school is free."
If the government taxes you in order to subsidize a particular church, it's an establishment of religion and is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. If the government tells you which things are "facts" and which things are "fiction," and your economic future depended upon your agreement with such assessment, it would be an abridgement of the Freedom of Speech and is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. But if the government taxes you to set up schools in which students are taught which things are "facts" and which things are "fiction," and their economic future depended upon their agreement with such assessment, it is "public education" and it is somehow viewed as an example of government beneficence, not government abuse. Why should the government have the power to indoctrinate children and to force taxpayers to subsidize such indoctrination?
Posted by: AuH2ORepublican at April 4, 2006 8:57 PM