Over at the Corner, Rich Lowry says that his appearance begins at 7:30 tonight.
According to the latest edition of the RI Republican Newsletter delivered to my inbox early this morning�
Wednesday April 12 - NATIONAL REVIEW magazine Editor RICH LOWRY speaks at BROWN UNIVERSITY - 8:00 P.M. - in Salomon Hall on the main campus green. Sponsored by the College Republicans. Mr. Lowry will talk about the war on terrorism.And for those looking for a solid opening act to precede Mr. Lowry�
Wednesday April 12 - JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY College Republicans Meet The Candidates Night - 6:30 P.M. - at the Harborside Campus (located on the Providence/Cranston line, off Allens Ave.). Most statewide GOP candidates are expected to come (Steve Laffey, Bill Harsch, Sue Stenhouse, Allan Fung & others). For more info, E-mail JWU CR Chairman Armand Cortellesso at:
My understanding is that the event is actually scheduled to start at 8pm, however, they are encouraging folks to arrive early to get seating in Salomon Hall. I will be there.
Posted by: Will at April 12, 2006 12:58 PMThe JWU event is actually at 7:00, not 6:30. Candidate Laffey and Senator Chafee will be sharing the stage in what promises to be an interesting evening!
Posted by: Peter Lilly at April 12, 2006 4:31 PMI was at the JWU engagement this evening, and it was quite the event. Senator Chafee brought up the point that Mayor Laffey had donated to Democrats in the past. When it was the Mayor's turn to speak, he looked like a man possessed with anger. He said he would have donated $10,000 to the Democrats today, because the boss of his company told him to do so. He then went on to tell his story about how he earned his money and how he's living the American dream. That's all well and good, but he then took a couple of shots at Senator Chafee for "marrying in to money" and for having a famous father. When he was done speaking he stormed out of the room in quite a huff.
Mayor Laffey used to appeal to me in some ways. He seems to work very hard and Cranston is better than it used to be. However, after seeing him act like a petulant five year-old who didn't get his way tonight, I can't see myself supporting him. I don't like attacking someone because of who they married or who their parents happen to be; it's classless and sophomoric. A senator should be above petty playground attacks.
Posted by: Hayden at April 12, 2006 10:48 PM