Supreme Court Won't Review Casino Amendment
Marc Comtois
The Rhode Island Supreme Court declined to review the proposed Casino Amendment as requested by Governor Carcieri and AG Lynch. Carcieri and Lynch were obviously disappointed:
Governor Carcieri and Attorney General Patrick Lynch released a joint statement this afternoon, saying they were disappointed that the court had declined to offer an opinion...
The court's decision leaves "a constitutional cloud over the casino referendum."
"An advisory opinion from the Supreme Court would have conclusively laid to rest any question about the constitutionality of the casino proposal," they said in the joint statement. "It would have provided the clarity necessary for the voters to make a fully informed decision. And it would have prevented the chaos that the Supreme Court had earlier predicted would ensue if Rhode Islanders were asked to vote on an unconstitutional casino proposal."
Carcieri...told reporters it "doesn't change the basics, that this is just, as far as I'm concerned, and I think a lot of people out there agree with me, a terrible way to put a casino in place in our state. To put in our constitution a no-bid deal for one operator, for Harrah's -- by the way, this is not the Narragansetts, this is Harrah's -- is just terrible. I can't think of anything more outrageous."
Meanwhile, Narragansett Chief Sachem Matthew Thomas wasn't content to be just content. Obviously emboldened by the decision, he decided to
throw down the gauntlet against casino opponents.
Thomas said the casino deal will bring the tribe �benefits and opportunities we have only dreamed of,� millions of dollars that will help the Narragansetts relieve poverty and improve healthcare.
Thomas also said he would not allow casino detractors to attack the credibility or integrity of the tribe.
�I want to put our opponents on notice,� he said. �Attacks on this project, attacks on our effort to establish a tribal casino, attacks on our supporters or our partner will be considered a direct attack on the Narragansett Indian tribe.�
To my knowledge, most opponents of either a Casino in general or this particular Amendment don't wish any ill will toward the tribe. By directly associating the "project" the "tribal casino" the "supporters" and the tribe's "partner" so closely with the Narragansett Indian tribe, Chief Thomas is deliberately trying to stack the debate such that he can portray all casino opponents as "really" being anti-Native American racists.
I don't think people like to be told that because they disagree with the Narragansett's over a casino that they are closet racists and deserve to be attacked. In fact, I'd say most people think that the State should do more to help the Narragansett's, but they just don't think that a Casino is the best way to go about it. Unfortunately for the Narragansett Tribe, the Chief's beligerence probably undermined some of that goodwill. Thus, flush with this procedural victory, Chief Thomas' hubristic declaration may end up being the tactical error that will eventually lose him his Casino war.
5:00 PM
Marc - I said much the same this afternoon. Rhode Islanders will not choose to amend their constitution to benefit a gaming company, and Rhode Islanders will not be guilted or intimidated into supporting such an amendment. I think Rhode Islanders do want to help the Tribe but will not approve of this amendment as the way to do it.
People in Rhode Island need to be told one simple fact. We are being asked to amend our state constitution so the Narraganset Indian tribe can receive a five percent, yes that's a 5% cut from Harrah's. What is so galling is how they try to represent this casino as an Indian casino and they roll out the 5% partners as spokesmen for this deal.
Do they think we're fools? Apparently so!
The task at hand for the governor and groups like SOS (and those of us who oppose this ugly scam) is to educate the greater public. Each of us can do so with friends, family and business/work associates. Ask those you encounter if they know the partnership percentage between the indians and Harrah's. After they tell you it's close to 50/50 let them in on the dirty little secret. After they put their eyes back in their sockets having heard the truth, i.e. it's a 95/5 deal for Harrah's ask these people how it feels to have been played for a fool by Harrah's and their local minions.
An educated voting public will reject this scam.
Quick inquiry with the contributors here.
Any chance of getting the input of a lawyer or two on this legal matter? My question is are there any areas where federal law and the federal courts might apply here?
The future removal of this case from the local robes would be a good thing.
I've got news for the Chief. Opposing the casino because it will reduce gaming revenue to the taxpayers of Rhode Island -- which, by the way, helps to fund (to the tune of 11% of the total) public sector employees' enormous unfunded retiremenent benefits liability, not to mention over a billion in social welfare spending -- doesn't make me a racist. It makes me someone who wants to see public emplolyees retirement benefit and our social welfare programs fully funded -- not cut for lack of funds. That's not racism Chief; that's reality.
If Brown wanted to show me some nads, he would've stood up to the insiders in the Assembly who muscled Boyd, the Narragansetts' original partner, out of the scene and propped up Harrah's.
I encourage everyone to listen to, and call in to Dave Barber's (wretched) radio show on WPRO at 9am to hear Dick Oster and Chief "You're all racists" Thomas debate this issue.
Thomas' attempt to insert racism are all too typical of minority groups that have had their opportunities to gain for themselves but have failed time after time. If the Indians really wanted to do better for themselves they would get off the reservation and come into the real world and stop following snake oil salesmen like Thomas. Thomas is nothing more than an abysmally failed leader and a race baiter because of it.
I'm listening to Mr. Oster right now.
Anyway you guys can make him spokesperson for the entire GOP?
Mark, I hope you're right because I sure am against the casino.
I know this much. Casino go in, Greg go out. Back to Massachusetts and away from this corrupt, pointless, piss-ant piece of real estate called Rhode Island.
Marc, I could not agree with you more. Just because many oppose the casino doesn't mean that they are racist. As a black person, I find those comments completely out of order by Chief Sachem Thomas. Many times I have been behind the Thomas, but I think he's completely off-base this time.
Rep. Williamson pumped out a statement:
Here is a choice cut:
�I hope people fully understand the hypocrisy shown by Governor Carcieri�s administration on this issue over the last four years. Finally, despite the governor�s repeated efforts, the people of Rhode Island will get to decide this issue [�]�
Um, ok�..
I love Rep. Tim "Don't make me put your head through a window" Williamson. He's such a shill that you KNOW he's on Harrah's payroll. In a real state with real law enforcement, someone would be in his underwear drawer figuring out how Harrah's is paying him off.
When we all vote NO what will his new battle cry be?
"We was robbed" perhaps?
"The people of Rhode Island are all heartless racists who hate the indians"?
"You bastards cost me that new yacht I was looking at"?
Sucks that we're at the mercy of West Warwick voters to get Williamson out of the Assembly, and that Brown isn't accountable to voters. The smokeshop raid was the best thing that ever happened to Brown - it gave the man political juice that, frankly, he doesn't deserve.
Isn't Dick Oster a Democrat? Thought I heard that somewhere along the line. Guess he's very good friends with local powerhouse Democrats like Mark Weiner.
This casino issue isn't Democrat/Republican at all.
Interesting how many big name Democrats are against this casino deal. Lynch and Cicilline to name a couple and there are surely many more who will become more vocal as time goes on.
Dear Tim,
Other than another never-was Cookson Exec. who has failed since, I don't know what his leanings are.
I agree that there will be cross affiliations on both sides.
Oster is a blowhard. He sounds like a frustrated old man trying to break out of a nursing home.
At least he is on the right side of the casino issue.
I have questions about the Tribe:
1. Are Tribal members residents and citizens of the State of Rhode Island?
2. Do they have voting rights?
3. Are they eligible for unemployment and TDI benefits?
4. Can they receive welfare benefits?
5. Are they permitted to attend the schools in the city or town they live in?
6. Are they bound by the rule of law of the State and Federal Government?
7. Do they receive benefits from the State of Rhode Island and Federal Government separate and apart from the basic benefits conferred for citizens? If so, what benefits?
8. If the casino is approved, will they forego any and all financial benefits that they are entitled to from the State and Federal Government or will they be entitled to receive all of these benefits?
9. If the casino is approved, will they have to reimburse any entities for past and present attempts to have this gaming license issued? If so, to whom do they owe this money and how much?
10. Who will manage the distributions of these funds to the Tribe and how?
These are questions that run through my mind when I think of this casino issue.
I wonder why the Indians are more entitled to financial assistance than the rest of the Rhode Island citizens.
I wonder why they have been unable to make it given the same obligations and benefits we all receive.
Marc - I said much the same this afternoon. Rhode Islanders will not choose to amend their constitution to benefit a gaming company, and Rhode Islanders will not be guilted or intimidated into supporting such an amendment. I think Rhode Islanders do want to help the Tribe but will not approve of this amendment as the way to do it.
Posted by: Jon at July 13, 2006 8:24 PMJon,
People in Rhode Island need to be told one simple fact. We are being asked to amend our state constitution so the Narraganset Indian tribe can receive a five percent, yes that's a 5% cut from Harrah's. What is so galling is how they try to represent this casino as an Indian casino and they roll out the 5% partners as spokesmen for this deal.
Posted by: Tim at July 13, 2006 10:06 PMDo they think we're fools? Apparently so!
The task at hand for the governor and groups like SOS (and those of us who oppose this ugly scam) is to educate the greater public. Each of us can do so with friends, family and business/work associates. Ask those you encounter if they know the partnership percentage between the indians and Harrah's. After they tell you it's close to 50/50 let them in on the dirty little secret. After they put their eyes back in their sockets having heard the truth, i.e. it's a 95/5 deal for Harrah's ask these people how it feels to have been played for a fool by Harrah's and their local minions.
An educated voting public will reject this scam.
Quick inquiry with the contributors here.
Posted by: Tim at July 13, 2006 10:13 PMAny chance of getting the input of a lawyer or two on this legal matter? My question is are there any areas where federal law and the federal courts might apply here?
The future removal of this case from the local robes would be a good thing.
I've got news for the Chief. Opposing the casino because it will reduce gaming revenue to the taxpayers of Rhode Island -- which, by the way, helps to fund (to the tune of 11% of the total) public sector employees' enormous unfunded retiremenent benefits liability, not to mention over a billion in social welfare spending -- doesn't make me a racist. It makes me someone who wants to see public emplolyees retirement benefit and our social welfare programs fully funded -- not cut for lack of funds. That's not racism Chief; that's reality.
Posted by: John at July 13, 2006 10:21 PMIf Brown wanted to show me some nads, he would've stood up to the insiders in the Assembly who muscled Boyd, the Narragansetts' original partner, out of the scene and propped up Harrah's.
Posted by: Rhody at July 14, 2006 1:38 AMI encourage everyone to listen to, and call in to Dave Barber's (wretched) radio show on WPRO at 9am to hear Dick Oster and Chief "You're all racists" Thomas debate this issue.
Posted by: Greg at July 14, 2006 8:45 AMThomas' attempt to insert racism are all too typical of minority groups that have had their opportunities to gain for themselves but have failed time after time. If the Indians really wanted to do better for themselves they would get off the reservation and come into the real world and stop following snake oil salesmen like Thomas. Thomas is nothing more than an abysmally failed leader and a race baiter because of it.
Posted by: walter at July 14, 2006 8:55 AMI'm listening to Mr. Oster right now.
Anyway you guys can make him spokesperson for the entire GOP?
Posted by: Bobby Oliveira at July 14, 2006 9:24 AMMark, I hope you're right because I sure am against the casino.
Posted by: Frank Mauran at July 14, 2006 9:50 AMI know this much. Casino go in, Greg go out. Back to Massachusetts and away from this corrupt, pointless, piss-ant piece of real estate called Rhode Island.
Posted by: Greg at July 14, 2006 9:53 AMMarc, I could not agree with you more. Just because many oppose the casino doesn't mean that they are racist. As a black person, I find those comments completely out of order by Chief Sachem Thomas. Many times I have been behind the Thomas, but I think he's completely off-base this time.
Posted by: don roach at July 14, 2006 10:13 AMAlso,
Rep. Williamson pumped out a statement:
Here is a choice cut:
�I hope people fully understand the hypocrisy shown by Governor Carcieri�s administration on this issue over the last four years. Finally, despite the governor�s repeated efforts, the people of Rhode Island will get to decide this issue [�]�
Posted by: don roach at July 14, 2006 12:03 PMUm, ok�..
I love Rep. Tim "Don't make me put your head through a window" Williamson. He's such a shill that you KNOW he's on Harrah's payroll. In a real state with real law enforcement, someone would be in his underwear drawer figuring out how Harrah's is paying him off.
When we all vote NO what will his new battle cry be?
"We was robbed" perhaps?
"The people of Rhode Island are all heartless racists who hate the indians"?
"You bastards cost me that new yacht I was looking at"?
Posted by: Greg at July 14, 2006 12:09 PMSucks that we're at the mercy of West Warwick voters to get Williamson out of the Assembly, and that Brown isn't accountable to voters. The smokeshop raid was the best thing that ever happened to Brown - it gave the man political juice that, frankly, he doesn't deserve.
Posted by: Rhody at July 14, 2006 3:19 PMBobby,
Isn't Dick Oster a Democrat? Thought I heard that somewhere along the line. Guess he's very good friends with local powerhouse Democrats like Mark Weiner.
Posted by: Tim at July 14, 2006 4:52 PMThis casino issue isn't Democrat/Republican at all.
Interesting how many big name Democrats are against this casino deal. Lynch and Cicilline to name a couple and there are surely many more who will become more vocal as time goes on.
Dear Tim,
Other than another never-was Cookson Exec. who has failed since, I don't know what his leanings are.
I agree that there will be cross affiliations on both sides.
Posted by: Bobby Oliveira at July 17, 2006 12:14 PMOster is a blowhard. He sounds like a frustrated old man trying to break out of a nursing home.
At least he is on the right side of the casino issue.
Posted by: kapler at July 19, 2006 8:13 AMI have questions about the Tribe:
1. Are Tribal members residents and citizens of the State of Rhode Island?
2. Do they have voting rights?
3. Are they eligible for unemployment and TDI benefits?
4. Can they receive welfare benefits?
5. Are they permitted to attend the schools in the city or town they live in?
6. Are they bound by the rule of law of the State and Federal Government?
7. Do they receive benefits from the State of Rhode Island and Federal Government separate and apart from the basic benefits conferred for citizens? If so, what benefits?
8. If the casino is approved, will they forego any and all financial benefits that they are entitled to from the State and Federal Government or will they be entitled to receive all of these benefits?
9. If the casino is approved, will they have to reimburse any entities for past and present attempts to have this gaming license issued? If so, to whom do they owe this money and how much?
10. Who will manage the distributions of these funds to the Tribe and how?
These are questions that run through my mind when I think of this casino issue.
I wonder why the Indians are more entitled to financial assistance than the rest of the Rhode Island citizens.
I wonder why they have been unable to make it given the same obligations and benefits we all receive.
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