April 7, 2007

Pubs of Newport, Continued
Congressional Democrats have decided to ban the term “war on terror” in the writing of legislation. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has decamped from Syria, where she donned a headscarf and in violation of the intent of the Founders, made nice with the dictator of a state supporter of terrorism, attempting to push what her colleague, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA)forthrightly—and honestly—calls an alternative Democratic foreign policy. So let’s talk about…more pubs of Newport.
The Atlantic Beach Club (ABC) is actually located in Middletown (just over the Newport line) on the east end of Easton’s Beach, AKA First Beach. The ABC boasts one of the most remarkable vistas on Aquidneck Island. This is especially the case when the weather warms up and the ABC deck opens.
During the summer months, the ABC deck features fine live bands on the weekends. Despite a cover charge, the deck is packed when the bands are playing. The scenery is fabulous (I enjoy looking at the ocean too). Not to be missed is the sight of New York girls in bikinis and high-heels. I’m guessing they’re not there primarily to go to the beach.
The food is quite good. As one might expect, the ABC specializes in seafood. It is not inexpensive, but the prices are in line with those of other seafood restaurants in the Newport area (and on Wednesday evenings, all menu entrees, other than lobster dishes, can be had for $12.95). The service in the dining rooms and at the bar is excellent and friendly. I can say that I have never had a bad meal at the ABC.
During the non-summer months, the ABC offers quiet jazz on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Surprisingly—given Newport’s reputation as the site of the annual Jazz Festival—the ABC provides one of the few regular jazz venues in the area.
The quality of the music is uniformly excellent. The usual program consists of a trio plus a vocalist. It’s good stuff. The vocalists are mostly local and quite good, but my personal favorite is a true New England treasure: Amanda Carr from Boston (more about her in a later post). In any event, if one wants to spend an evening listening to good jazz over a couple of drinks in a setting where it is still possible to carry on a conversation, the ABC is the place to go.
Good food, good drinks, good service, good company, and good jazz: the ABC is my kind of place.
Update: In my last post about Mudville Pub, I managed to misspell the name of my good friend Kevin Stacom (I spelled it Stachem). Sorry Kev. I also mentioned the “very gorgeous Melanie.” A couple of folks have asked me just how gorgeous is she. Well, imagine Scarlett Johannson with black hair. How’s that? And I certainly also should have mentioned the very lovely and fascinating Georgia peach, Anna, AKA Anna Banana (I know, I know, I mixed my fruits here. But is this as bad as mixing metaphors?).
Stacom, if you're referring to the former PC basketball star.
Posted by: rhody at April 8, 2007 12:36 PMIndeed, I misspelled Kevin's name a second time. I also misspelled Johannson. In my defense I can only quote Andrew Jackson: "a man must be of little intellect indeed if he can think of only one way to spell a word."
Posted by: Mac Owens at April 8, 2007 2:05 PM