April 25, 2007

Meanwhile, at URI....
While the Roger Williams University radio controversy rages on, the URI Senate is deciding whether or not to de-recognize the URI College Republicans. Here's a press release from Ryan Bilodeau, Chairman of the URI College Republicans:
Kingston, RI - April 25, 2007 - Displaying a dramatic disregard for students' constitutional rights, a committee of the University of Rhode Island (URI) Student Senate voted to de-recognize the College Republicans student group. For months, the Student Senate has demanded that the group publicly apologize for advertising a satirical $100 "scholarship" for white, heterosexual, American males. In response, the College Republicans refused to apologize.Tonight the URI College Republicans face a vote in front of the full Student Senate on whether or not they will be de-recognized.
The ACLU, University President Carothers and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education have all spoken out in favor of the College Republicans.
University students and members of the media are invited to attend tonight at 6:30 PM in the Student Senate Chambers of the Memorial Union.
Protesters are expected to attend.
What: URI Student Senate De-Recognition Meeting
Who: University of Rhode Island College Republicans
Where: University of Rhode Island Memorial Union Student Senate Chambers
When: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 6:30 PM
FYI: Ethan Wingfield, Chairman of the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island (CRFRI) has resigned amidst the dual URI/RWU controversies
See RIReport.com for more.
Posted by: T. Shevlin at April 26, 2007 7:44 AM