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May 2, 2007

Iraq: We Win, They Lose

Marc Comtois

Here is the boilerplate from We Win, They Lose, a coalition of bloggers who seek to impress upon Congress that, no matter what history--revisionist or otherwise--you want to believe about the Iraq War, we need to be in it to win it.


Yeah... a petition. I'm sure the troops appreciate your lousy petition. I'm sure it's of great comfort to them that there are self-important bloggers writing online petitions, putting bumper stickers on their cars, etc.

You want an infinite war? Without a draft?

This isn't about surrender vs. victory.

It's a complex blunder that requires more than a surge, and more than just waiting... waiting... waiting.... Bush is slow-bleeding our troops by leaving them outnumbered in harm's way month after month after bloody month...

It's time for a change.

Wake up.

Posted by: Anonymous at May 3, 2007 8:47 AM

As the Marines have taken to saying "WE are at war. AMERICA is at the mall."

Posted by: Greg at May 3, 2007 9:00 AM

Please tell me what the victory conditions are in Iraq? How exactly are we surrendering?

Posted by: George at May 4, 2007 9:43 AM