June 19, 2007

Re: GOP Poll Talk: Thompson in the Lead...or not
Carroll Andrew Morse
Here's a quick addendum that Republican political junkies might find interesting to Marc's post showing Rudy Giuiliani and Fred Thompson in a statistical dead heat : a major X-factor in the campaign dynamic is that Mitt Romney still has the lead in New Hampshire and Iowa polls. Most recently, a New Hampshire poll conducted after last week’s Republican debate had Romney 28%, Giuliani 20%, McCain 20%, and Thompson 11%.
However, with the compressed primary schedule this year, there is some question as to whether early primary/caucus wins will provide the same amount of bounce they have in previous years.
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Ah, memories of the '92 Perot boomlet that put him ahead of Clinton and Bush for 15 minutes.
Posted by: Rhody at June 20, 2007 11:35 AMSeriously, Thompson could benefit greatly by a possible Bloomberg independent candidacy that would suck plenty of support away from Guiliani.
As for Bloomberg, if it means the first Jewish president won't be Joe Leiberman, it's all good.