September 10, 2007

Re: And Another One Gone (Representative Singleton Changing Parties)
Carroll Andrew Morse
Today's weekly Political Scene column in the Projo has more detail on Representative Richard Singleton's (I – Cumberland) decision to switch from Republican to Independent. He says he's upset at both the national and local Republican parties…
Singleton said he has been upset for some time over President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq and the support Republican lawmakers in Washington gave to a Bush-backed immigration bill that he described as “a disgraceful amnesty bill at the very least” and “some other scandals we’ve witnessed within the Republican party”....At the moment, my primary concern is that I don't think there's another appropriate line from the lyrics of Queen's Another One Bites the Dust to use as the title of a posting should another Republican legislator change parties.On the local level, he cited “disappointment over the past four years with the general management of the Republican Party,” and what he perceives as a “lack of interest” by Republicans in running for office or contributing. “It’s tough to get Republicans out to even donate.”
8:30 AM
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Singleton is a looser first class. He is a Rhode Island Rep., not a US congress member. His job (which he never did) was to use the bully pulpit to expose the garbage generated by the General Asseembly. He, like Joe Scott and others, have never done squat to that end. He has kissed the ring of Murphy and Montelbono so many times just to get a few bucks for some local organization.
I hope all of these loosers switch.Better off without them.
What RI needs is one, just one single hero with the wisdom and guts to speak out. We came close with Rod Driver, a very effective guy. Unfortunately his pro Palistinion bias was his downfall.
Now ask me what I really think.
Posted by: Jim Cavaanaugh at September 10, 2007 8:44 PMRod Driver is a stand up guy. He is disinfectant to the germs that circle the bowl in that backed up toilet we call the State House.
As for his stance on the Palestinians, Driver once again proves he is highly principled. The Israelis are slaughtering the indigenous people of Palestine. The punchline: You pay for it!
Suggested reading -
(1) They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby - Paul Findley
(2) The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - John Mearsheimer & Stephen Walt
(3) Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History - Norman Finklestein
Posted by: PDM at September 11, 2007 4:44 PM