October 31, 2007

ProJo Pulls a Fonzi
They just can't say the "W" word, can they? Last week, the ProJo editorialized:
We agree with Governor Carcieri that Rhode Island must slash spending to close yawning budget deficits and get the state back on its feet economically. But courtroom translators are not the place to start.But the Governor had made it clear he wasn't talking about court interpreters before the ProJo published that editorial, and they eviscerated him anyway. And now they acknowledge that the Governor has "clarified" his position.During a recent radio talk-show appearance, Governor Carcieri seemed to argue that such translators are a needless extravagance, and that immigrants should do more to take care of themselves when they come to America, and rely less on the generosity of taxpayers when they get here.
Governor Carcieri has explained that he did not mean to include court interpreters in his recent radio comments denouncing taxpayer-funded interpreters for immigrants, the subject of the Oct. 24 editorial “Justice and translators.”Yeah, and he explained it before your editorial guys. Just like Arthur Fonzarelli, they can't admit they were "w- w- w- w-....wrong (episode #160)."All citizens should be pleased that the governor recognizes the importance of interpreters in securing justice for those, including immigrants, who find themselves in the court system.
Meanwhile, the debate continues over how to stem the flood of illegal immigration, which places a severe strain on government services and, of course, the taxpayers. As we noted, the governor makes a good point in raising that issue.
NOTE: Heh. Just noticed that Dan Yorke blogged about this too and said it was "Like a Happy Days episode" and mentioned the Fonz and the "w" word, too. I guess we use the same cultural reference dictionary!
Lots of people have trouble saying the "W" word, not just Fonzie and the ProJo.
But undoubtedly, it would have been more accurate in this case to have used the verb "clarify" in the second person plural.
As in the editorial "we".
As in "we would like to clarify our mistake of last week ...".
Posted by: Monique at October 31, 2007 8:37 PMDammit! First person plural, not second.
Posted by: Monique at October 31, 2007 8:51 PM