November 16, 2007

Big Budget Gainers from '01 to '08
Marc Comtois
The overall state budget has grown from $4.65 billion in 2001 to $6.98 billion in 2008, which is a 50% increase over 7 years. As we've all figured out, that's just too much. In an effort to identify those areas that saw the largest growth, here are those departments that had operating budgets over $1 million and also saw an increase of over 50% in the last 7 years. No judgments, just numbers.

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I believe 16 of these Departments directly answer to the Governor.
Posted by: Ken at November 16, 2007 9:44 PMAnd the Governor has cut 1,000 positions, Ken.
But the overall budget - taxes and spending - is set by the General Assembly. All of the increases in Marc's chart are their doing. The fact that we are seventh highest taxed is their doing. The fact that Rhode Island has the most onerous corporate taxes and one of the worst overall business climates - thereby driving businesses which pay taxes and employ people out of the state - is their (the General Assembly's) doing. The fact that public pensions went under funded while social spending was maxed out is solely their doing.
I'm sorry this has been such a difficult concept, Ken. Perhaps if the GA would implement separation of powers as required by law and the Constitution, some of the blame for this could be shared by the Executive Branch. Though I suppose SOP didn't address the check book, did it?
Posted by: Monique at November 17, 2007 7:05 AMSpot on Monique!! Love the slap about the check book and SOP. lol
Posted by: Tim at November 17, 2007 7:38 AM