January 10, 2008

The Ongoing Debate About Capitalism and Freedom
With a H/T to one of my favorite blog sites, Cafe Hayek, watch this YouTube "debate" between Naomi Klein and Milton Friedman.
Further videos on Klein vs Friedman can be found at the bottom of this post from Copious Dissent.
For more information on Friedman's underlying ideas, check out these Friedman-centric posts from my earlier 17-part series on Economic Thoughts, where the final post has links at the bottom to all prior posts:
The Relationship between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom
More on the Relationship Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom
The Role of Government in a Free Society
The Power of the Market
On Equality
More from Friedman is here.
Several other key posts from the 17-part series on Economic Thought include:
Why Policy Goals are Trumped by Incentives They Create & the Role of Knowledge in Economics
The Abuse of Reason, Fallacies & Dangers of Centralized Planning, Prices & Knowledge, and Understanding Limitations
The Unspoken, But Very Real, Incentives Which Drive Governmental Action
I’d like to point out RI has bettered its position in 51 state ranking (Including Washington, DC) of having most millionaires with readily available access to $1 million or more in investable or liquid assets.
The Phoenix Affluent Marketing Service, Rhinebeck, NY analyses and tracks aggregate wealth just released their 2008 survey results.
According to the spread sheet RI has moved up from 20th place to 17th place in number of millionaires per population over the last three years which means RI households are getting wealthier.
Phoenix Affluent Marketing Service 2005, 2006, 2007 spreadsheet
Posted by: Ken at January 10, 2008 8:03 PMKen,
I'm so glad to hear that Sheldon Whitehouse, Myrth York, Jack McConnell, Lincoln Chafee and Patrick Kennedy are still holding their own in this post-subprime economy!
Hallelujah - the liberals won't have to trade in their limousines just yet.
Posted by: Ragin' Rhode Islander at January 10, 2008 10:56 PMRagin' Rhode Islander,
Sorry I have a typo
“According to the spread sheet RI has moved up from 20th place to 17th place in number of millionaires per population over the last three years which means RI households are getting wealthier.”
Should be According to the spread sheet RI has moved up from 20th place to 17th place in number of millionaires per “household” over the last three years which means RI households are getting wealthier.”
Evidently Phoenix Affluent Marketing Service, Rhinebeck, NY that tracks wealth has identified 424,216 households in RI that meet the affluent criteria however only 22,550 households have direct access to $1 million or more in fluid assets. I would guess the rest of the households are affluent on paper balance sheets.
From 2005 to 2007 this is an increase of 4,449 households having access to $1 million or more fluid assets and I guess the affluent are not moving out of RI.
Capitalism and Freedom is alive and well in RI.
Posted by: Ken at January 12, 2008 12:42 AM"which means RI households are getting wealthier."
Actually, from the numbers I was able to find, Rhode Island's ranking for overall per capita income has remained unchanged recently. So as the number of millionaires (presumably retirees moving here from NY and CT) has risen, someone else's income has dropped.
As to your last point, Ken, Rhode Island has the seventh highest taxes and the worst business climate in the country. That doesn't add up to a whole lot of freedom and capitalism.
Posted by: Monique at January 12, 2008 10:52 AM>>Should be According to the spread sheet RI has moved up from 20th place to 17th place in number of millionaires per “household” ...
Probably entirely attributable to Lincoln Chafee moving back from Virginia! ;-)
Posted by: Tom W at January 12, 2008 9:34 PMThis is my third visit to this blog. I am thinking about starting a brand new blog in the same category. This blog gave me some information to work with. (Don't worry, I won't be copying you :)) You have done a fantastic job.
Posted by: Phil at November 9, 2010 7:44 AM