March 1, 2008

Loder is a Libertarian

Marc Comtois

Huh. Anyone who remembers MTV back when they played those things called "music videos" also knows who Kurt Loder is. Like me, you may be surprised to learn that he's a libertarian. That's what you get when you stereotype people based on their employer. He recently did an interview for Reason here, which is a discussion on technology, the MSM and freedom (among other things). In the interview, Loder is asked about "Rock the Vote" and responded, "It's a Democratic organization set up to speak to children." Heh. There's a suspicion confirmed...Another, "Don't trust anything celebrities say, they're not gonna save anybody's world. Not even their own..."

As an example of Loder calling upon his libertarianism in his work, the interview references Loder's review of Michael Moore's Sicko, which is worth a read.

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I don't agree with all of Loder's views, but I can hardly blame for being frustrated in a work environment in which he may be the only grownup. But hey, there's nothing liberal about gangsta rap and booty videos.
He probably realizes he's only still there because his head of hair has held up pretty well.

Posted by: rhody at March 1, 2008 4:14 PM
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