March 4, 2008

Sweeping Changes Under the Carpet (For Safe Keeping?)
The temporary end of this particular controversy was easy to miss, and the manner in which it occurred tells us much about the folks who precipitated it:
The debate over proposed changes to the House rules was put to rest last week when Rules Committee Chairwoman Rep. Eileen S. Naughton, D-Warwick, announced that she would not hold hearings on any rule changes this session."After consultation with House Leadership and some members of the House Rules Committee, I have decided against holding a hearing this year on any possible rules changes," Naughton said in a statement.
"Traditionally, we have amended the House rules every two years, and we see no pressing need to change the rules this session. We will review some of the suggestions that were incorporated into this year's legislation after the session is completed and discuss them next year," she said.
Several proposed rule changes introduced since January raised the ire of Republicans and talk-radio hosts, including one that could have limited some lawmakers' ability to influence the state budget process by reducing the time that rank-and-file legislators can access the House version of the spending plan before voting on it.
I don't think it's paranoia to suspect that the back-room operators will commence looking for a way to bring about their ends without inciting a demonstration at the statehouse.
Simply the serious THREAT of a picket and demonstration killed this, people. Think about that they next time you're just too busy to take an hour out of your lives for the sake of a cause that affects your life every moment of every day.
There's no reason we can't put a few hundred people on the front steps just as our way of saying "Don't screw up this budget" and possibly make some real change.
Maybe make the news and let people across the state know that yea, Rhode Island does have some of that hope that's on the state seal. It's not over. We can still fight for our state. I don't care about party and I'd rather not see a lot of partisanship about it. Left and right in this state feel it in their wallets and a good 70% of the state is against illegal aliens and what they're doing here.
All it takes is the THREAT to make a change. Imagine the size of the change you can make if you get off your rear ends and start yelling.
Posted by: Greg at March 4, 2008 7:03 PM