March 18, 2008

Gosh, It's Really Here
Andrew outlines the "cons" of legalizing prostitution.
Bringing it back to Rhode Island, it's one thing to be aware in an intellectual vacuum that indoor prostitution is legal here. It's another to read a description of and begin to fully understand that a florishing trade has resulted.
Ed Achorn provides that description:
One does not have to search very hard on Google to discover that the johns who prey on young women are well aware of the state’s innovative approach to the world’s oldest profession. They tout Rhode Island as a land of opportunity, offer crude reviews of the charms and demerits of the “girls” who work in the city’s strip clubs, and share such consumer info as whether strippers provide “takeout service” and how much they charge. Last month, in a Channel 10 I-Team report by Jim Taricani, a young cameraman entered the Club Balloons strip club with a hidden camera. Within minutes, a dancer was offering him, for a price, two forms of sex.Money pours into the sex industry in Providence, particularly in a booming vice district along Allens Avenue. If Rhode Island has a “center of economic excellence” these days, this is it. Seedy customers from all over New England flock to Providence for the action, and “alternative” newspapers both here and in Boston survive on ads from local ladies (and a few gentlemen) who, to put it mildly, do not go to extreme lengths to disguise what they are selling.
The un-ironic title of this post was my reaction upon reading Achorn's column today. Presumably, it was a naive assumption on my part that a law had not engendered actual businesses.
So. Now I've caught up. It's here and business is apparently brisk.
Should it stay? Ed Achorn, Brad Plumer and others point to repugnant and illegal activity that gravitates towards legalized prostitution - slavery, pedophelia - as well as the self-destructive lifestyle - drug use - it can enable. But shouldn't the question be contemplated solely on its own merits?
"Should it be legal for a consenting adult to sell intimacy to another consenting adult?"
Or is it simply not possible to do so because there can never be a circumstance under which the repugnant and illegal activity can be screened out? And that by saying yes to the above question, one is automatically giving consent to and approval of the other completely unacceptable activity?
This is where the Pat Crowley's and the Ddon Carcieri's of the world meet in an ugly embrace.
Posted by: Mike at March 18, 2008 8:24 PMDope, fireworks, brothels, live sex clubs, guns and a bunch of other forbidden fruits should be sold on the borders of RI interstates in NON-RESIDENTIAL zones. With big billboards from Maine to washington touting them.
It's called freedom. Despised by both the Castroites and the Bushites.
the government has no business overseeing what goes on between consenting adults in private,just as they have no business knowing which firearms an individual owns-they should spend more time supervising foster care-case in point-the two homosexuals who were able to molest a young charge of theirs right under the noses of the authorities-street prostitution is a public nuisance,a crime/disease vector,and prone to creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in a residential area and should be suppressed-when Amsterdam legalized brothels some years ago(individual prostitution was always legal)they were able to curb the abuses such as sexual exploitation of mostly east european women that went on in brothels that operated surreptiously because the legalized venues were subject to labor and health standards as well as immigration enforcement by the police
Posted by: joe bernstein at March 18, 2008 10:49 PMI've got it. Lets make it legal, but only at Wal-Mart!
Posted by: George at March 19, 2008 10:02 AMConservatives get way too worked up over sex. The moralism gets old fast. If it creates a nuisance, regulate it. If it creates real harm, then prohibit it. If not, just ignore it and go about your own business.
Posted by: Citizen Critic at March 22, 2008 2:28 PM