March 31, 2008

A New Island State?
Carroll Andrew Morse
New York Newsday columnist Ellis Henican has this to say about the budding movement (who knew?) to make Long Island into its own state…
We have deeply embedded corruption, ancient ethnic rivalries, even an NHL team - what else does a self-respecting state need these days?...2 out of 3 lets us keep our statehood here in RI, right?And what about the name? (Has anyone considered Long Island? It's no dumber than Rhode Island. Who's Rhode, anyway?)
10:13 AM
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"We have deeply embedded corruption, ancient ethnic rivalries, even an NHL team - what else does a self-respecting state need these days?..."
I guess with have more in common with Long Island that I thought...
I've got a great idea. Why don't we just offer Long Island the "opportunity" to become part of Rhode Island? Just think of all that tax revenue! (of course, you're probably thinking "what's in it for them?" ... I'm still working on an answer for that).
Posted by: Will at March 31, 2008 4:14 PMJust saw this press release from Sheldon Whitehouse. I wish he would change a few words (say, substitute the names of RI's Democratic leadership and disgraced former members of the General Assembly) and make the same speech in RI. It would probably go down well with many voters...
“Secretary Jackson’s resignation amidst allegations of corruption shows once again the culture of the Bush Administration putting cronyism and partisanship before responsible governance. From ‘Heckuva Job, Brownie’ to former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to Jackson, we’ve seen far too many Bush officials whose defining characteristic was loyalty to the President and his political supporters, rather than competence in their jobs. “As millions of hard-working Americans struggle with the worsening economy, they deserve a government that looks out for them, not the special interests. President Bush has already done too little to assist families who face foreclosure of their homes. I urge the President to quickly nominate a successor who will focus his or her full attention on helping American homeowners – not enriching cronies and political allies at taxpayer expense.”
Posted by: John at March 31, 2008 7:42 PM