April 22, 2008

Mayor Scott Avedisian on the Concept, if not the Practice, of a Third Party
Carroll Andrew Morse
And speaking of Russell J Moore's article in last week's Cranston Herald, does anyone have any clue what Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian is getting at in this quote...
Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian, who is known as a moderate Republican with socially liberal positions, said he wishes Block luck, but warned he shouldn’t count on his support.Hmm...“I think the time is right for a third party, and I wish him well, but I have said all along that I was elected as a Republican and I plan to stay a Republican.”
11:15 AM
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Strange.....but not surprising. This non-Republican is a master of saying nothing substantive, doing nothing bold, avoid any sort of controversy at all costs -- all the while taking lots of labor union money.
Posted by: Jackson at April 23, 2008 9:43 PM