September 11, 2008

September 11 Remembrances
Carroll Andrew Morse
Tom Kenney, posting at RI Future…
And in the midst of vast despair and destructionMichael Morse from last year…Beyond comprehension in its scope
It was a picture of three firefighters raising a flag
That gave America hope.
I learned an important lesson that day and the weeks and months to follow. The people we are sworn to protect are worth protecting. We stood together as a nation like nobody could have dreamed possible. We remembered what it meant to be Americans; we stood together, cried together and together have moved forward. Racial and economic divisions didn’t matter, differing political philosophies were irrelevant.This notice made at 9:57 am -- seven years to the minute when Islamist terrorists lost the initiative in the war they started.In a many ways we’ve returned to our pre-911 mindset, and that is unfortunate, but the togetherness and resolve that existed then still resides in all of us, and comes to the surface when necessary. I know it’s there, I remember, and that is what keeps me going.
9:57 AM
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