October 11, 2008

The Drama of Steyn
Justin Katz
Have I mentioned that I'm glad to see Mark Steyn columns again? With his latest, I laughed:
Gaze into the giant zero of the Obama logo, the hole in the star-spangled donut, the vast fathomless nullity that is the gaping keyhole to the door of utopia. To a sad shriveled Republican cynic, there's nothing there but the wide open spaces of Obama's blank resume. But a believer will see therein the healing of the planet and the receding of the oceans. The black hole of Obama will suck you in through the awesome power of its totally cool suckiness.
I cried:
Epic events swirled all around, but the two men fighting to lead the global superpower could only joust with cardboard swords: Why, Obama was such a bold leader on this issue that only two years ago he "sent a letter" to somebody or other. Why, long before Obama sent his letter, McCain "issued a statement." Rarely has the gulf between interesting times and the paperwork of "big government" yawned so widely.
I screamed:
If the more frightening polls are correct, America is about to elect the most left-wing government in history: an Obama Oval Office, a Pelosi House of Representatives, a filibuster-proof Senate and a year or two down the road maybe three new Supreme Court justices. It would be a transformational Administration that would start building (in Michelle Obama's words) "the world as it should be." That big empty hole in the heart of the Obama logo will not stay blank for long.
7:00 PM
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If the more frightening polls are correct, America is about to elect the most left-wing government in history: an Obama Oval Office, a Pelosi House of Representatives, a filibuster-proof Senate and a year or two down the road maybe three new Supreme Court justices. It would be a transformational Administration that would start building (in Michelle Obama's words) "the world as it should be." That big empty hole in the heart of the Obama logo will not stay blank for long.
7:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by: Mike at October 11, 2008 8:04 PMHey, at least we will all get that "middle class tax cut" right?
The people desrve what they get. Carter's second term-or McGovern's first.
They will come a beggin in 2012.
Mark Steyn
People who read him and find themselves
nodding in agreement are.....
Posted by: U Bet Cha Wink at October 12, 2008 8:11 AMRationale conservatives would now look in the mirror and conclude that the party build on religious fervor by Rove is destined to loss after loss as the country's demographics pass it by. You cannot build a party by alienating 1) intellectuals, 2) the entire East Coast north of Washington DC and the entire West Coast, and 3) the growing minority populations, especially those in the South West. When Obama hits 375 electoral votes on election night, perhaps conservatives will finally tell the theocrats and anti-intellectuals (start with Sarah, please) to take a hike. Then it will be time to start the party anew.
Posted by: Pragmatist at October 12, 2008 11:23 AM