October 13, 2008

Another Alves Discrepancy
Carroll Andrew Morse
(h/t, Commenter Aldo).
From Talia Buford of the Projo on October 3…
The Supreme Court yesterday ordered the state Board of Elections to recount all ballots cast in the disputed West Warwick Democratic primary race in which political newcomer Michael Pinga defeated state Sen. Stephen D. Alves.And again from Talia Buford, this time on October 11…The amended court order mirrors one issued Wednesday in the case of a candidate for state Senate in Warwick, David Bennett, who lost his bid for a place on the November ballot to Erin Lynch in the Sept. 9 primary...
Meanwhile, state Democratic Party Chairman William Lynch Wednesday [October 1] asked the Rhode Island State Police to investigate the registered Republicans who were allowed to vote in the Democratic primaries in both races.
Yesterday, the court gave some insight into its decision. According to Craig Berke, spokesman for the state judiciary, the court withheld its decision on the Alves case because of the call from the state Democratic Party for a state police investigation into the primary. There is no inquiry into the Warwick race.What is the basis of the Rhode Island State Police investigating one case, but not the other?
8:45 AM
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Hey, maybe the State Police just wanted the opportunity to collect more evidence on Alves...
Senator, could you provide us with the list of Republicans who you think voted in your primary...and while you're going through your files, could you provide us with the list of all the public officials that you solicited for pension fund management..?
Posted by: Anthony at October 13, 2008 1:29 PM