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October 23, 2008

Why We're in the Mess We're In

Justin Katz

In a Sakonnet Times story about the advantages that incumbents have in Rhode Island, Senator Charles Levesque inadvertently gives a small indication of why Rhode Island is in its current predicament:

Sen. Levesque makes no apologies for obtaining what he calls "civic support" for the library and reaping a little publicity in the process.

"Is there altruism involved? Yes. Is there self-promotion? Yes," said Sen. Levesque, who's been senator since 2004 and previously served as state representative from 1993 to 2002. "But, I can't apologize for the fact that I've been working hard for my community for a long time."

Of course. Altruism. That's when a legislative body takes money from taxpayers and then divvies it up for chosen representatives to get that "self-promotion." The question is whether it's worse if Mr. Levesque is only providing lip service to good deeds or if he honestly believes the rub'n'tug system to be a charitable endeavor.


This Barney Frank sound alike needs to Go. Wake up Aquidnick Island voters .

Posted by: Bob at October 23, 2008 11:32 PM

Funny, ABC News reported on those 5 states that seem to be thriving through this recession. They include Alaska, Texas and Montana.....

Anyone see a trend?

Posted by: Anthony at October 24, 2008 12:09 AM

Levesque is arrogant and obnoxious.I noticed this when I testified before the committee he was on.
He is a tool of Steven Brown and makes no secret of his slavish admiration for the ACLU.
He is sort of reminiscent of Bawney Fwank,but thankfully with much less power.

Posted by: joe bernstein at October 24, 2008 12:51 AM

I don't think I've ever seen that particular color of the jacket worn by Mr. Grapentine.

Posted by: Phil at October 24, 2008 6:22 AM