October 29, 2008

Monique: Radio Star!
Justin Katz
Monique will be calling in for Anchor Rising's regular pre-7:00 spot, tonight, on the Matt Allen Show, and she also took a few minutes to discuss Barney Frank with John DePetro on Monday morning. Stream the latter by clicking here, or download it.
5:39 PM
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Posted by: Phil at October 30, 2008 7:23 AMI can't bring myself to listen to the Human Fly. That's Depetro not Monique. I would'nt add anything else to an already complicated existence. I'm sure she did well with her experience and all. I don't listen to WPRO anymore. There seems to be so much scripting and political slant. I honestly don't think that half the callers to those shows are authentic people.
I call in and I assure you I am a real person.I don't tune in to Depetro,however.
Posted by: joe bernstein at October 30, 2008 10:05 PMThe "Human Fly",ha,ha-I think I know why you chose that,but Justin would probably have to edit.