December 7, 2008

A Pause Before the Future Comes
Thanks to the Rhode Island Republican Assembly for the invitation to their Christmas dinner, last night. Good food and excellent conversation.
I'll say this: I'm starting to get a sense of some of the possible strategic intentions of the RIGOP, and I can't say that I'm overly enthusiastic. It's good to know, however, that there's a satellite group of good folks who know their way around Rhode Island politics.
On my way home, I turned off 195 in Fall River, rather than at 24, as usual. Of course there's a big sign at the state line, on Main Street, but it's hardly necessary: The immediate transition from smooth roads to a rough ride is notice enough.
"I'm starting to get a sense of some of the possible strategic intentions of the RIGOP, and I can't say that I'm overly enthusiastic."
That's the very kind way of saying it.
Thanks again for coming to the party.
Posted by: Will at December 7, 2008 9:51 AMWe don't need Republicans and we don't need Democrats. We need Common Sense.
And Common Sense tells us that when we have perpetual deficits (sometimes masked over by one-timers like Tobacco settlements)despite being one the nations highest taxed states, it is time to acknowledge that we have an UNSUSTAINABLE cost structure.
We ALL (Dems & Reps) need to face reality and ruthlessly cut spending.
It will start with telling the Unions "no". They will invariably whine, but it is in their best interests, as bankruptcy will be a worse fate for them.
And coalitions demanding that education funding be the sole responsibility of the State are misguided. Who provides the funding is irrelevent (it's still our Tax dollars whether it comes from the State or the local city/town).
Who funds education is irrelevent if we do not reform the nutty Union driven Salary structures (employees earning ~$70k [the private sector equivalent of ~104k] after just 9 years on the job), Pension Benefits (retirement after just 29 years @ 75% of high five years that grow by 3%/year) and Health Care in which employees pay less than 30% of the Cost for premium healthcare.
These necessary reforms need to take effect Yesterday ...we can NOT wait for them to be "negotiated".
We need the General Assembly to immediately enact legislation that will reform each of these areas, including making RI a "right to work" state.
Anything short of these actions will be just more of the same as we head over the clift into the abyss.
It is time to stop taking direction from the spin-miesters like Bob Walsh and start applying Common Sense ...whether you are a Democrat or a Republican.
Posted by: George Elbow at December 7, 2008 10:46 AMJustin,
Posted by: jay at December 7, 2008 8:11 PMI have heard from fairly reliable sources that RIDOT is going to repave from the State line to the 24 overpass this coming spring. I'm not holding my breath but finally, this piece of road has made it to the fore front of their list. I'll keep you & the residents of north Tiverton apprised as more time passes.