December 23, 2008

Another Square-Peg-Round-Hole Task Force
Obama's "task force to bolster the standard of living of middle-class and working families in America" can't possibly succeed at its stated objectives, because the ideas and priorities that constitute its basis for formation are deeply flawed, even inimical to the goal that it professes. Here's a bit of ready evidence (emphasis added):
The effort, which is called the White House Task Force on Working Families, is intended to focus on improving education and training for working Americans as well as protecting incomes and retirement security of the middle class. The group, officials said, will work with labor and business leaders.
Labor and business leaders can be relied upon to push their own interests as if they are the interests of whatever group is being targeted. Can you imagine, for example, such a group finding that regulations that favor established businesses and hinder the movement and earning power of private-sector entrepreneurs must be curtailed?