December 26, 2008

Diagnosis Hypecolodria
It certainly behooves humanity to follow the trends and assess the contributors to changes in the global environment, but increasingly, there seems to be an environmentalist version of hypochondria at play:
In one of the report's most worrisome findings, the agency estimates that in light of recent ice sheet melting, global sea level rise could be as much as four feet by 2100. The IPCC had projected a sea level rise of no more than 1.5 feet by that time, but satellite data over the past two years show the world's major ice sheets are melting much more rapidly than previously thought. The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are now losing an average of 48 cubic miles of ice a year, equivalent to twice the amount of ice that exists in the Alps. ...Scientists also looked at the prospect of prolonged drought over the next 100 years. They said it is impossible to determine yet whether human activity is responsible for the drought the Southwestern United States has experienced over the past decade, but every indication suggests the region will become consistently drier in the next several decades. Richard Seager, a senior research scientist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, said that nearly all of the 24 computer models the group surveyed project the same climatic conditions for the North American Southwest, which includes Mexico.
Throughout history, mankind has watched weather patterns change in regions around the world, but they used to talk about "dry spells" or "warm spells" (or their opposites). Now everything is plugged into incomplete models (the more honest of whose keepers acknowledge that prognosticating to a date as far out as 2100 represents mere speculation), and we're all instructed to panic and make dramatic changes to our ways of life.
Our planet is organic, and it is in the nature of organisms to change. As with our own bodies, we do well to be aware of signs and symptoms, but too much fear of illnesses can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Great post!
Finally, someone pointing out the important mind-body connection between Gaia and her bipedal spawn.
I'm glad to see that conservatives here are Wicca too. The preponderance of scientific evidence linking human behavior to global climate change is more about humans not harnessing our loving intent towards the planet.
If people would stop whining about everything, the things they whine about wouldn't be.
Now I understand the deeper meaning of "Drill Baby Drill" - drilling for fossil fuel is making love to the planet. It's just those geeky Gore-a-philes who want to make it look dirty.
We just need to think of clear cutting as forest management, blowing up mountain tops as clean coal, global climate change as an opportunity for Reaganomics to really strut its stuff.
The market is love. And love is the market.
Drill Baby, Drill.
And screw science. We'll just burn some incense, play some bongos and help make baby Gaia's to replace the one the lefties are complaining we're using up.
Unless they want to stick those in the blender too for their crazy abortionist stem cell energy drinks.
Another solution the tree huggers wouldn't like because it has chemicals (which, by the way, trees are made of - like hydrogen, and oxygen, and carbon):
Cover up the dry spots with something the market produces to make it wet, and make the wet parts dryer.
Clearasil for the planet!
(THAT's why the private sector should solve global problems, NOT government.)
Posted by: Ben Jones at January 1, 2009 2:59 AM