January 24, 2009

The Warm Glow of Press Affection
Justin Katz
It was a sad sort of laugh, but I couldn't stop the guffaw's escaping into the tire shop's waiting area when I read the following from AP writer Charles Babington (emphasis added):
At one point in Friday's meeting in the White House's Roosevelt Room, GOP Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona objected to a proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who do not owe federal income taxes.Obama replied in a friendly but firm way that an election had been held in November, "and I won. I will trump you on that," according to several people briefed by participants who took notes.
Ah, the media: Supplying the "tone" that the president promised.
6:14 PM
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I heard it reported that this was directed at House Minority Whip Eric Cantor,but no matter,it reflects the fact that the new President is believing his own hype.There is an arrogance about him that is plain to see.This will be a long four years,but amybe by 2010 his attitude will bring some "real change".The Dems own the next two years and I think they will f**k things up pretty badly.
Posted by: joe bernstein at January 24, 2009 7:03 PMHe isn't wasting any time.If it becomes necessary to release some Gitmo detainees on the street in the USA,I have three good places to drop them :Berkely,CA/Amherst MA/San Frabcisco,CA-oh yeah-Steven Brown's house in Barrington,RI.
Eight years ago, there were far more numerous reminders of who emerged the winner of that presidential election.
Posted by: rhody at January 24, 2009 9:13 PMNow, if Obama had said "Scoreboard"...
Well Rhody,since I didn't vote for baby Bush in either election,I didn't pay much attention.
Posted by: joe bernstein at January 24, 2009 11:50 PMThe Gitmo releases are no joke-think about it-a person waiting overseas for an immigrant visa for years gets bumped by a terrorist.It doesn't make sense.