March 2, 2009

Okay, An Even Swap - the Pension Actuaries for the Country Club Tax Records
From Friday's Kent County Times:
On Feb. 19, [State Senator Michael] Pinga requested the tax records of the West Warwick Country Club, which Jim Williamson is co-owner of. Pinga said he did so because “someone,” who he said he would not identify, “notified me that he [Jim Williamson] received a tax abatement and I want to see if he went through the proper procedure.”“I think this is important because everyone else has to go through the procedure and I want to make sure that he did too,” Pinga said.
Senator Pinga may be a tad suspicious that the process was telescoped for Jim Williamson because he is the brother of Timothy Williamson. Mr. Timothy Williamson is both a House Representative and Town Solicitor for West Warwick.
In a separate matter, Timothy Williamson, in his capacity as a House Representative, has repeatedly
refused to make public a letter summarizing the findings of the state-paid [pension] actuaries at Gabriel Roeder Smith & Co., and the methodology they used to arrive at their conclusions.
Williamson asserted that the letter, which the actuaries had in front of them as they testified at last night’s televised State House meeting, had been written to him personally, in his role as chairman of the commission, and so it was not public.
Written to him "personally"? Hoo, ha! Good one. Sign this man up to write for next year's Follies.
Ya know what? Cancel the swap. Both documents pertain to public monies and public business. Make them both public.
A now for the rest of the story….
This was also in the story “Williamson said that he is a public official and things like this are just par for the course. But now that Pinga is seeking tax records on his brother, Jim Williamson’s country club, Tim Williamson has a much different opinion.”
Excuse me Rep Williamson, but isn’t his brother also a member of the WW School Committee? Doesn’t that also make him a public official?
Given that the WW School Committee has filed two Caruolo Actions against the town in as many years, one would have hoped that somewhere along the line, an opinion was sought from the RI Ethics Commission.
After all, one wonders who stands to earn a great deal of taxpayer dollars for legal services defending the town of West Warwick against these lawsuits?
But then again, who provides the legal opinions to the town? Anyone else see a conflict of interest here?
As for the Times story indicating Sen. Pinga requested "personal records"?
Perhaps it is time the WW Town Solicitor reviewed RIGL CHAPTER 38-2 Access to Public Records. Specifically SECTION 38-2-2, i.e. Definitions to wit: "Public record" …. shall mean all documents, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency.”
What doesn’t he understand? The APRA request was made relative to public records…. Or is there something Rep Williamson is trying to hide ?
Now perhaps it is time that Williamson reveals to the public exactly how much his law firm has earned for “legal services” provided to West Warwick?
Did the town really pay his firm almost $168,000 for FY 08 when the budget was $75,000? Barrington budgeted only $46,000 for the Solicitor!
And this is what I consider to be the most egregious statement yet by Rep Williamson “As far as I am concerned, we are at war now; politically, professionally and personally,” Williamson said.”
Why would he make such a threatening remark based upon a simple request for public records?
Draw your own conclusions!
Anyone remember the Pat’s Tap incident?
Posted by: Aldo at March 2, 2009 1:42 PMWilliamson is a total thug used to being able to intimidate people physically and politically. Maybe he's met his match in Pinga. We can only hope.
Posted by: Patrick at March 2, 2009 3:30 PMI wonder if Williamson and Alves have a new ally at WPRO now after the smackdown I heard Dan Yorke give Pinga the other day.
Posted by: rhody at March 8, 2009 4:04 PM