March 7, 2009

Saturday night laughs
Isn't this just wonderful? Obama Car Czars To Visit Detroit To Learn About Industry
President Barack Obama’s chief auto advisers, Ronald Bloom and Steven Rattner, plan a one-day trip to Detroit next week to meet with executives at General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, people familiar with the matter said...The trip follows two weeks of meetings with auto executives, suppliers, analysts and others as they review the two carmakers’ plans to keep $17.4 billion in loans and borrow as much as $21.6 billion more to survive. GM and Chrysler executives met with the committee last week in Washington to discuss progress.
Two weeks of immersion in a failing industry that they don't know after which they will then play a critical role in deciding whether to spend tens of billions of our hard-earned monies.
Golly, I feel better, don't you?
When they have figured out Detroit, I'll bet they can then resolve any healthcare industry issues by the end of the month.
Okay, Iran's nuclear program is especially tough so they might need the whole month of April to work it out with those crazy mullahs.
World peace and economic serenity by summertime 2009. I can see it, can't you? LOL.
And, by the way, who is going to be overseeing these wonderful bureaucrats? People in Congress like the ones who oversaw Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
With such comfort, I am going to sleep well tonight. How about you?
Great idea Donald. Let's leave the auto industry to the geniuses who brought it down in the first place. Based on their track record, let's lengthen the leash or cut it entirely and leave it up to the crazy mullahs of Detroit who were blinded by their own greed and wrecked the industry.
And as for dealing with the "crazy mullahs" in Iran we'll remind everybody that they form the hub of the "axis of evil" and turn over dealing with them to the rabid neocons who have maintained a high level of fear and hatred and who have performed so well on the international scene while they were in power. After all, while they were heading the country (I can't say leading it), we enjoyed financial and military success world wide.
Somehow, I don't relax at the thought of such absurdities, but I am thankful that people like you and those whom you support now have their noses to the window looking in from outside. Maybe we have a chance now.
Posted by: OlsTimeLefty at March 8, 2009 9:03 PMHuh? Some of us have been advocating bankruptcy for Detroit for years, most recently here:
Posted by: Donald B. Hawthorne at March 8, 2009 9:26 PM