March 24, 2009

The End of the Labor Line
Justin Katz
One can't help but see France as an example of the future several steps down a path toward which Rhode Island (and to some degree the United States) seems sometimes to threaten to take. This sentence captures the total absurdity of the mindset:
More than 1 million people marched in France yesterday to demand that the government do more to overcome the economic crisis, but planned strikes failed to fulfill a key goal - to paralyze the country.
Paralyzing the country to spur an overcoming of an economic crisis. Yeah, that'll work. I've an affection for the concept of revolution, but in practice, it often seems to be a manipulated excuse for citizens to enjoy a period of havoc.
10:14 AM
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Don't those Frenchies know the proper way is to let investment bankers grind the economy to a halt? Chacun son goût!
Seriously though, I think the AP has that one wrong. Who says that was a "key goal"?
Say, you tea party guys are holding a "strike" next month (during business hours on a work day), n'est pas? Enjoy the havoc!
Posted by: Russ at March 24, 2009 2:24 PMGee, maybe the Dubya-backed modelizer doesn't have all the answers after all. Vive la moralite, oui?
Posted by: rhody at March 24, 2009 4:39 PMRuss:
There are reasons to protest, reasons to strike, and even reasons to try to shut down the government. The absurdity is a protest against a bad economy that itself has a deleterious economic effect.
Posted by: Justin Katz at March 24, 2009 8:02 PM