April 3, 2009

Opening Day is Coming
Marc Comtois
No deep thoughts to plumb (life can get like that, no?)....but I can offer this from National Review Online:
For the Love of the Game: Thirty Major League Baseball fans lay out the reasons for their devotion:
Walking through a Fenway Park turnstile is the sweetest feeling on earth. The charm of baseball’s oldest ballpark is largely thanks to its connection to the past. There’s the left-field home of Ted Williams, Carl Yastrzemski, and Jim Rice; the red seat in a sea of green bleachers where Ted hit the park’s longest ball; the hand-operated scoreboard; the five World Series flags earned between 1903 and 1918, and the anguished wait to raise a sixth in 2004. There’s personal history there, too: memories of waiting out rain delays in makeshift, garbage-bag ponchos as a little girl, and of my husband proposing to me in the very same bleachers years later.The Sox have always paid tribute to their past, but recent history holds valuable lessons for the future, too. The miracle of 2004 taught Sox fans never, ever to give up hope; 2007 proved the benefits of disciplined persistence. And the 86 years between celebrations taught us to savor every happy moment.
— Courtney Myers works in public policy in Arlington, Va.
1:00 PM
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Baseball is the only place where right wing fans love (hopefully) their lefties.
Posted by: Phil at April 6, 2009 5:39 AM