May 29, 2009

BREAKING: Mixed Victory for the Moderate Party
Justin Katz
I'm hearing that the Moderate Party had a mixed victory in district court today. The petition minimum of 5% of the previous election's winning vote total (for governor or president) still stands, but the late start date is unconstitutional.
So, the Moderate Party (for case in point) will still have to collect some tens of thousands of signatures, but it can begin doing so right away.
4:34 PM
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Where do we sign?
Posted by: Roland at May 29, 2009 5:40 PMThe last thing we need right now is "moderation".
Anyone and anything I've ever heard called "moderate", ends up looking very, very, liberal.
Posted by: George at May 29, 2009 10:57 PMThe last thing we need is "moderation"? Would you rather have the democrats steamroll to more general assembly seats? The Democrats need to be stopped, or atleast shown that they can no longer run without consequence. Do you think that the many unsatisfied democrat/ind. voters will automatically vote GOP, when they have avoided doing so for what seems like decades now? Give them an alternative, try to get democrats out of power, or just let GOP candidate after candidate get slaughtered as has been the norm. We should unite,not argue over names. Sign me up,i'm ready to go
Posted by: Matt at May 30, 2009 11:04 AMThe last thing we need is "moderation"? Would you rather have the democrats steamroll to more general assembly seats? The Democrats need to be stopped, or atleast shown that they can no longer run without consequence. Do you think that the many unsatisfied democrat/ind. voters will automatically vote GOP, when they have avoided doing so for what seems like decades now? Give them an alternative, try to get democrats out of power, or just let GOP candidate after candidate get slaughtered as has been the norm. We should unite,not argue over names. Sign me up,i'm ready to go
Posted by: Matt at May 30, 2009 11:04 AMThe last thing we need is "moderation"? Would you rather have the democrats steamroll to more general assembly seats? The Democrats need to be stopped, or atleast shown that they can no longer run without consequence. Do you think that the many unsatisfied democrat/ind. voters will automatically vote GOP, when they have avoided doing so for what seems like decades now? Give them an alternative, try to get democrats out of power, or just let GOP candidate after candidate get slaughtered as has been the norm. We should unite,not argue over names. Sign me up,i'm ready to go
Posted by: Matt at May 30, 2009 11:04 AMWhen I first heard about the "Moderation Party",I became curiously interested in what the party,s agendas are.In my way of thinking, moderation means a common sense approach to the issues.The democrats have gone so far to the left that we are losing our entire concept of social,moral and constitutional responsibility.The republicans on the other hand look like you just took a plate of beef stew and threw it against the wall.If they don,t know who they are and what they stand for, how am I supposed to? It sounds like a good alternative,but before one buys this car you should kick the tires 5 times unless your goal is to become even further jaded from RI,s political system.
Posted by: paul Kelly at May 30, 2009 11:38 AMWhen I hear "moderate" I think of people like Linc Chafee and Scott Avedesian.
Basically Democrats without the stigma of corruption that comes with the Democrat label.
But otherwise status quo folks perfectly happy with the union / welfare / illegal alien hegemony that is killing Rhode Island.
Posted by: Tom W at May 30, 2009 12:22 PMHey if you're interested in following the Moderate Party or at least figuring out what it's all about, stay tuned to It's going to be an online community for moderates, as Anchor Rising is for RI conservatives. I've only just started it today, but keep an eye out because we're gonna be doing some cool stuff really soon.
If you think Moderate stands for the status quo, you're quite mistaken. As far as I'm concerned, the Moderate platform doesn't exist yet. Get in at the right time (i.e. now) and you get to write it.
I'm looking for writers on my site. If you find this compelling, email me at
Posted by: Nicholas E. Coutis at May 30, 2009 9:45 PMNicholas E. Coutis
It's funny to see conservatives stand behind Patrick Lynch in his misbegotten fight to kill this party before it ever gets off the ground.
Posted by: rhody at May 31, 2009 12:20 AMI'm not voting for Lynch under any circumstances next year.