July 22, 2009

The Door Closed Tellingly
Justin Katz
Bill Rappleye brought a camera man down to the suspicious spa in Middletown that I mentioned on Monday.
Rappleye's very careful not to make the prostitution accusation, which the spa owner denies, but something odd emerges from the video. If you were a small business owner and a TV news reporter came to your place of business with camera rolling, wouldn't you take the opportunity to dispel those nasty rumors of untoward behavior and get some free publicity by presenting your establishment to the viewing public? I guess I just don't see why the proprietor of a legitimate massage parlor wouldn't have invited Bill in for a look-see.
5:49 PM
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no kidding. i tried to convince her to let us into the place; nor would she go on camera to deny the allegations...another question...would a legitimate business have no signage in front of the building? even with the address in hand, it was hard to find.
Posted by: bill rappleye at July 23, 2009 6:51 AMthe landlord of the building was present, and also declined to go on camera.
but you're right, i could only quote others who said she runs a brothel, since i don't know personally what is being sold inside.
Assuming that viewers are the least bit perceptive, don't you think the "free advertising" was obtained?
Posted by: Warrington Faust at July 23, 2009 11:55 AMgood point. but brothels are easy to find in this state.
Posted by: bill rappleye at July 23, 2009 4:45 PM>>brothels are easy to find in this state.
Just start with that big white building on Smith Hill, and work out from there. ; -)
Posted by: Tom W at July 23, 2009 4:56 PMHi!
Posted by: Scott Bill Hirst at July 23, 2009 5:18 PMI missed that story. I don't recall seeing it? How many of these massage parlor establishments are considered legitimate, and how many are suspected of being fronts for possible prostitution? Also I would state inspectors would inpect the premises of these establishments from time to time? How often are they inspected and are the inspections announced before hand?
This situation with Barrington and drinking or possible/probable alcohol related incidents don't seem to go way. I realize Barrington is not alone, but they seem to have a higher problem than average!
How about the news today about phenomenal corruption involving New Jersey officials including some from from New York, I saw on TV. Every state has corruption but when you have a number of people, you would ask, why are so many involved!
" Every state has corruption but when you have a number of people, you would ask, why are so many involved!"
Scott, haven't seen your name since our previous mentor moved to Iowa. Aside from heritage, Rhode Island's problem is that it is so small. Everyone "knows someone". If things become too onerous, you can "put in the fix".
My siggestion for a state motto "Everything falls off the truck in Rhode Island".
Posted by: Warrington Faust at July 23, 2009 7:32 PM" I guess I just don't see why the proprietor of a legitimate massage parlor wouldn't have invited Bill in for a look-see."
Brothels are legitimate, too, in this state. If he had let Bill in and Bill had concluded his tour by saying, "It looks to me like you're running a brothel", the correct reply by the proprietor would have been, "So what? It's legal."
Is it possible something worse than prostitution is going on at this establishment? Perhaps what he really didn't want to hear from Bill was, "It looks to me like some of your hostesses are not yet eighteen" or "Can I interview some of the hostesses off the premises?".
Posted by: Monique at July 23, 2009 7:35 PM(correction: not "he"; what "she" really didn't want to hear from Bill)
Posted by: Monique at July 24, 2009 6:56 AM