August 6, 2009

A Fireside Chat with Dan
Justin Katz
Alright, there wasn't really a fire, but since we're talking radio, I like to imagine that there was one. Dan Yorke and I had that sort of conversation, yesterday, on 630AM/99.7FM WPRO. Those who missed it or who would like to revisit something (for kind or scurrilous reasons) can stream the whole segment (about an hour, without commercials) by clicking here, or listen to portions:
- On Anchor Rising, my writing habits and schedule, and blogging specifics (traffic, money, etc.): stream, download (5 min, 49 sec)
- On our blogging mission (or obsession) and the effect that AR and blogs in general are having: stream, download (3 min, 46 sec)
- On profiting (or not) from online writing: stream, download (4 min, 03 sec)
- A call from Mike and discussion of "excellence" in Rhode Island and the effects of local participation, with Tiverton Citizens for Change as an example: stream, download (12 min, 45 sec)
- On Dan's opinion that RI reformers need a "big win" and my belief that we focus on smaller victories: stream, download (2 min, 52 sec)
- On hopelessness and a magic wand policy change in Rhode Island (public sector union busting) and the problem of regionalization: stream, download (6 min, 48 sec)
- On what to do about unions: stream, download (2 min, 18 sec)
- On the coalition of problems in RI and whether all are addressable by the same principle (dispersing power and building from the community up, as well as a tangent about binding arbitration: stream, download (6 min, 2 sec)
- On the Republican Party in Rhode Island and awareness of reform groups: stream, download (4 min, 7 sec)
- On prescriptions for Rhode Island and the lack of leaders: stream, download (6 min, 34 sec)
- A call from Robert and discussion of Republicans and the Tea Party as a political party: stream, download (3 min, 14 sec)
- On the Moderate Party: stream, download (2 min, 9 sec)
- A call from John and discussion of Steve Laffey's plan: stream, download (1 min, 42 sec)
3:18 PM
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