August 17, 2009

The Daily Advocate

Justin Katz

The Providence Journal outdoes itself with a much attenuated version of this AP filing. The Projo splashes the headline and lead:

Fighting gay marriage hurts Mormon image
Observers say the church's heavy-handed intervention into California politics will linger and has left the faith's image tarnished.

What observers does the article cite? The organizer of a gay "kiss-in" and the executive director of a San Francisco lesbian advocacy group, the latter of whom bases her observation on what she's hearing "from my community and from straight progressive individuals."

I wonder how much of the current angst in American society has its origin in the utter distrust of the news media to even attempt to offer an objective explanation of current events and policy debates.

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I'm waiting for the follow-up headline:

"Voting Down Gay Marriage Hurts California's Image"

I don't think that I should hold my breath while waiting.

Posted by: Tom W at August 17, 2009 2:12 PM

It is creative editing, just like when
you wrote about the food-fight with the anti-gay folks on Bald Hill Road.
You did not mention the anti-gay slurs
the men used,that they stuck a camera in a girls face,or that one guy tried to
hit one of the girls with a metal pole??

You were quick to report on that event were nobody has injured,then a few days
later one of your fellow conservatives
walked into a Gay youth center in Israel an shot 13 people killing 2
But you chose to ignore the event?

Posted by: Herman at August 17, 2009 5:44 PM


I linked to the article from which I drew my information. The point of blogging is not to paraphrase everything. It is also not to cover every topic the world over. A great number of things happen in Israel and elsewhere that may fall in the same topical categories as events in Rhode Island.

If you'd like to finance my blogging as a full-time career, however, I'll be happy to expand the breadth of my writing.

Posted by: Justin Katz at August 17, 2009 5:51 PM

"one of your fellow conservatives
walked into a Gay youth center in Israel an shot 13 people killing 2"

Holy ____! Who was it? Was it Marc? Andrew? Monique? Was it me?

Herman, we won't try to associate you with the shootings of John Lennon or Ronald Reagan. But I'll have to admit, it's tempting.

Posted by: George at August 17, 2009 7:39 PM

Read a more substantial article in Time recently about this subject, and it discussed the Mormon rank and file's reaction to the big push in California.
Prop 8, apparently, really divided Mormon communities in California. Even some Mormons who ultimately voted for it had some misgivings about the demands for time and money being made out of SLC, and those who know gays and have gay friends are second-guessing their support for it. Maybe the church will have to encourage its Utahns to establish residency in California in order to fight the inevitable turn it.
Like some Catholics, maybe some Mormons are starting to weary of being hectored by the leadership about this issue.

Posted by: rhody at August 17, 2009 9:50 PM

>>Like some Catholics, maybe some Mormons are starting to weary of being hectored by the leadership about this issue.

And then next stop gay polygamy, eh Rhody?

After all, we don't want to "discriminate" against those in San Francisco who like to patronize "bath houses" filled with "glory holes" now do we?

And then there are those who prefer sheep ...

We certainly don't want to discriminate against the "trans-specied" now do we? Those who would oppose this are just bigoted specie-phobics after all. Would we let those bigots trample the civil rights of those with a bestiality orientation?

That slope of redefining marriage is indeed a slippery one.

Posted by: Tom W at August 17, 2009 10:52 PM

Tom makes a more eloquent argument why gay marriage ought not to be banned than anything I could possibly add. If he is representative of those who oppose gay marriage...

Posted by: rhody at August 18, 2009 11:46 AM

\"After all, we don\'t want to \"discriminate\" against those in San Francisco who like to patronize \"bath houses\" filled with \"glory holes\" now do we?\"
No Tom W
And we don\'t want to \"discrminate\" agsinst those conservatives who,like
David Vitter patronize prostitutes?
What say you tom w

Posted by: lloyd at August 18, 2009 1:30 PM

Tom W
FYI the vast majority of gay men DO NOT
patronize bath-houses. Just as most
straight men do not patronize brothels.
For most gay men sex is a lot better in their own bedroom,

Posted by: Gay guy in RI at August 18, 2009 2:21 PM

>>FYI the vast majority of gay men DO NOT patronize bath-houses. Just as most straight men do not patronize brothels. For most gay men sex is a lot better in their own bedroom,

Fair enough. Point taken.

Posted by: Tom W at August 18, 2009 2:55 PM
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