August 26, 2009

And the Crowd Gasps: Menard Pulls Nomination Papers
Monique Chartier
Contradicting her own repeated affirmations, including one as recently as ten days ago to the Woonsocket Call, incumbent Mayor Susan Menard took out nomination papers Monday, signaling an apparent intent to seek reelection.
Russ Olivo at the Woonsocket Call correctly points out that the
declaration period that ended Tuesday [yesterday] is merely a preliminary placeholder designed to allow candidates to formally announce their intentions to run. To secure a place on the ballot, candidates must follow up their preliminary declarations by returning nomination papers to the Board of Canvassers, signed by no fewer than 100 properly registered voters.
The tantalizing question, then, remains very much unanswered at this point. Does the Mayor truly intend to collect signatures and run once again for the seat? Or did she pull papers merely as a feint to torture her critics?
11:57 AM
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I think we all know she's running. Now it'll just be up to the voters of Woonsocket when they get their new tax bill after the schools just hired new employees and reinstated athletics. Good luck up there. She's run the place into the ground and if the voters put her back in again, they get what they deserve.
Posted by: Patrick at August 26, 2009 1:28 PMHow can we say goodbye when you won't go away.
Posted by: Will at August 26, 2009 9:28 PMTypical Menard arrogance. She's always depended on the Good Ole Boys on Smith Hill to take of her and the high-rise folks (the only constituents she gives a damn about). If the GOBs can't save the day this time, maybe she will take her Manolos and go home (or off to Florida).
Posted by: rhody at August 27, 2009 9:54 AMI hope she's serious about running for one reason... she drives the lefty dems insane!
Posted by: George at August 27, 2009 3:36 PM