The union organizations probably have to go through these motions, if only to perform a tribal dance proving their value to members, but I wonder whether such news doesn't serve to remind taxpayers why they're increasingly annoyed with the existence of an alternate employment reality in the public sector:
With the largest state employees union rejecting a state-offered compromise that would let workers recoup some — but not all — of the pay they stand to lose during a government shutdown, the two sides are headed to court Wednesday over the union's bid for a temporary restraining order to block Governor Carcieri's 12 shutdown days.
As is often the case with cartoons, I think Jim Bush captures a swelling mood with this one (reprinted with permission):
They're PIGS I tell you! PIGS! PIGS! PIGS!!!
Is everybody finally understanding what I have been saying for years now??
Is it beginning to sink in that these public employee unions are NOTHING but a bunch of greedy, lazy, stupid f'n PIGS?!?!?
And for those who are sick of hearing me say it - I'm more sick of those who are so stupid that they don't realize it for what it is.
These unions are PIGS!
Thank you for your thoughtful, well-reasoned, constructive approach to our economic crisis, and for the intellectual firepower you bring to the effort in turning this state around.
Working well with others - this is a fine illustration of the resilient, spirited mentality embodied by the best Rhode Island has to offer.
rhody, nice response, didn't see any denial in there though.
Posted by: bobc at September 2, 2009 12:49 PMrhody,
When you say: "Working well with others - this is a fine illustration of the resilient, spirited mentality embodied by the best Rhode Island has to offer."
I'm glad to see you are in agreement with me about these union pigs.
They\'re PIGS I tell you! PIGS! PIGS! PIGS!!!
Is everybody finally understanding what I have been saying for years now??
Is it beginning to sink in that these
are NOTHING but a bunch of greedy, lazy, stupid f\'n PIGS?!?!?
And for those who are sick of hearing me say it - I\'m more sick of those who are so stupid that they don\'t realize it for what it is.
These Conservatives are PIGS!
Or you can delete the word Unions, for any group you hate
Posted by: Palazzo at September 2, 2009 4:32 PMMike capelli is a swine. Nothing but a boot licking cretin with a very poor grasp on anything except himself. Hey mike you are a pig.
Posted by: Steakandcheese at September 2, 2009 6:34 PM(Forgive me, Charlie Hall!)
Excellent cartoon.
In fairness, the Gov noted this morning on DePetro that not all state workers feel that way but many have expressed understanding for measures such as shut down days.
Posted by: Monique at September 2, 2009 9:23 PMI believe Mike Cappelli, as usual, sums it up quite nicely.
In fact, if you open Webster's dictionary to the word UNION, the definition that will follow is: "greedy, lazy, stupid f'n PIGS".
And if you were to look up STEAKANDCHEESE, you'd find: "A greasy, fatty-filled sandwich that gives you gas".
Posted by: George Elbow at September 2, 2009 9:32 PMI don't think everything is lost to the Unions. Yesterday a Water Dept worker was killed in Attleboro and I happened to be talking to one of the employees. It seems the worker who was killed was working somnething similiar to overtime, but it isn't called that. The reason was to make up for lost wages because Attleboro has already announced 10 "furlough" days. So, it seems that the "system" has already developed a way to conteract the purpose of the "furlough". The workers will receive the same pay, but apparently it will come from another account.
I would have learned more except that when I got too interested the conversation ended.
Posted by: Warrington Faust at September 2, 2009 11:21 PMThe cartoon is absurd. 5% of Rhode Island's population is chronically unembloyed, 7% is more accurate, 2% of which are municipal employees, leaving 5% the accurate number. The unemployment line isn't nearly as long as the drawing suggests.
And Carcieri's statement on "Depetro" about State employees agreeing with him belongs on a show like "Depetro," sensationalized garbage, nothing more.
Posted by: michael at September 5, 2009 3:59 PMMichael,
What are you talking about with the unemployment numbers? Seriously, your point is what?
Are you suggesting we don't have an Unemployment issue, both at the State level and the National level?
If you are a tit-sucking Public employee Union-hack, then you are correct, but in the real world, there is indeed an Unemployment problem
Also, with respect to your objection to the Gov saying that State employees agree with him: my guess is that you are a public employee Union-hack with "seniority" (that cute little Union thing that says you don't have to perform, you just have to show up) and therefore won't be affected by the coming lay-offs.
Posted by: George Elbow at September 5, 2009 7:07 PM