September 2, 2009

Langevin's Town Hall Tomorrow: A Preemptive Invitation
Below is the text of an e-mail invitation to Congressman Langevin's health care town hall in Westerly tomorrow. [Thanks to Scott Bill Hirst, a registered Republican in Hopkinton, for forwarding. I'm sure rumors that the RNC has now launched a full-blown investigation into the question of your party status, Scott, are completely exaggerated.]
I wanted to send you an urgent invitation to an important town hall with Rep. Jim Langevin this Thursday, September 3rd.He'll be talking to constituents and gathering feedback. Whether you ask a question or show your support with a sign, attending this town hall is a powerful way to show where you stand and thank those in Congress who are fighting for reform.
I hope you can join us. Here are the details:
What: Health Care Town Hall with Rep. Jim LangevinWhere: Esplanade in Wilcox Park
44 Broad St.
Westerly, RI 02891When: Thursday, September 3rd
Arrival Time: 3:30 p.m.
Start Time: 4:30 p.m.Please arrive as early as possible, and make sure that the most powerful voices in this debate are those calling for real reform, not angrily clamoring for the status quo.
RSVP here:
First of all, isn't the point of this town hall to listen to the concerns and wishes - "gathering feedback" - of constituents? Why, then, is turnout from one particular segment and not all constituents being encouraged?
Secondly, notice that the "status quo" (i.e., preservation of an excellent health care system and one that provides care that 80% of Americans are satisfied with) is cast in a negative light while reform - "real reform" - is established, without facts or reason, as the positive goal. This is reinforced by the suggestion to "thank those in Congress who are fighting for reform". Isn't this preempting both the voices of many town hall attendees as well as the debate on the underlying issue?
According to Weldon Shitehouse, the dems are going to push this thing through regardless of what anyone says. Their minds are already mande up. The best thing we can do it throw them out of office next time.
We just have to make it so uncomfortable for them, that maybe some of these reps and senators will have second thoughts. I don't count on our RI delegation to do the right thing, They are just a bunch Obamabots who will do anything they are told.
Posted by: kathy at September 3, 2009 4:26 PM