September 2, 2009

Schilling to Run for MA Senate?
Curt Schilling, best known for his bloody-sock pitching heroics, may step up to the plate and run for U.S. Senate.Based on his past media appearances, I think the Schill may be a little too candid for most voters. But maybe that's just what we need.The retired Red Sox ace said today in a telephone interview with NECN that even though his “plate is full,” he’s been contacted to consider a run for the open seat held by the late Edward M. Kennedy. A Jan. 19 special election has been set by the governor to fill the post.
Schilling, a Republican who stumped for John McCain in the New Hampshire presidential primary last year, said he’s a reluctant possible candidate.
“You’d have to make a decision pretty quickly. Let’s just leave it with that,” Schilling said to NECN.
“I think it’s going to take the right candidate. ... There needs to be an enormous amount of house cleaning done,” he added, saying that sentiment would probably cost him deeply.
“My first press conference could be my last,” Schilling said, stressing he sees a lot wrong with politics as usual in the Bay State.
The right-hander said his work with his online gaming company, 38 Studios, is taking up a lot of his time, but anything is possible. He also said a decision to run for the U.S. Senate would need to be backed by his wife, Shonda.
According to ESPN tonight, Schill is actually unaffiliated, although it's pretty clear which side of the spectrum he's on. I found it pretty ironic in '04 that the unionized ballplayer was backing Bush, while Red Sox management backed Kerry.
Posted by: rhody at September 3, 2009 12:17 AMI just don't see him getting much support from Red Sox Nation, though, given the way his career end played out (signing an $8 million contract for '08 while hiding a career-ending shoulder injury from the team). And the political graveyard is cluttered with GOP jock candidates who looked like sure things as hometown heroes (Steelers Super Bowl hero Lynn Swann for governor in Pennsylvania, NASCAR legend Richard Petty for treasurer in North Carolina, NFL Hall of Famer Steve Largent for governor in Oklahoma).
Remember the words of Ed Wade, general manager of the Phillies when Schill played there: "He's a horse every fifth day, and a horse's ass the other four."
If Red Light Curt is smart (and though egotistical, he's no idiot), he will keep his distance from Dennis & Callahan during the campaign.
Talk about a city and a person made for one another. Curt Schilling is a Washingtin DC natural, an insufferable blowhard. Run Curt run.
Posted by: Tim at September 3, 2009 6:41 AMRhody, Good points, though Largent did get elected as a Rep before his guv run. And Jim Bunning and Jack Kemp were also elected as hometown jocks. But I think the athletic renown gets their foot in the door and nothing still comes down to whether the majority of the electorate thinks like you and I don't think that's the case with Schilling in MA. By the way, he hit D&C this AM. The plot thickens.
Posted by: Marc at September 3, 2009 8:27 AMIIRC, Largent had it in the bag, but made some unfortunate remark about 9-11 and blew it.
Posted by: rhody at September 3, 2009 9:28 AMIf anyone reads the ProJo, check out Dustin Pedroia's quote in the Sox notes today. Sounds like Schill was just as popular as Manny in the clubhouse.
Marc, I think you underestimate the influence of name recognition over principle when it comes to voters. I think that in a special election, Schilling would beat Martha Coakley or anyone without the last name "Kennedy."
From Schilling's point of view, however, he stands to lose financially as his endorsements will likely suffer along with his popularity as his conservative roots start to show. Then consider he is up for Hall of Fame voting in 5 years and he knows that he is a long shot because his number of wins is below 250. Let's just say that Sean McAdam and the like won't vote for Republican Senator Schilling, and Curt knows this.
Posted by: JP at September 3, 2009 9:40 AMBill Bradley and Jack Kemp brought a lot more than athletic prowess to the arena of politics and it showed in their distinguished careers in public service.One was a D,the other an R,but neither was narrow ideologue and they served their constituencies well.Kemp was also one of the few HUD secretaries who made something besides a political sinecure of the position.
Posted by: joe bernstein at September 3, 2009 10:33 AMJP, believe me, I don't underestimate the value of name recognition. Patrick KENNEDY, for instance. But, as I said, I think the name recognition is just a foot in the door. Eventually it comes down to the position on issues and I'm not sure that would shake out very well for Schilling. But we'll see.
Joe, Good observations.
Rhody, Thanks for the reminder re: Largen. I'd forgotten that.
Posted by: Marc at September 3, 2009 11:17 AMI think Shill's candidness would be great for the Senate although I think the system would beat him before he beat the system. Still, would be fun to watch.
Posted by: donroach at September 3, 2009 1:37 PMHey, why not..I mean, they let Al Franken into the Senate, didn't they?
Posted by: Chris at September 3, 2009 6:14 PM