September 18, 2009

Gov Orders Defunding of ACORN-RI
Press release of an hour ago:
With the recent revelations of alleged fraudulent and potentially illegal activity by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) being reported across the country, Governor Carcieri today ordered all department directors and state agencies to immediately identify and cease any payments being made directly to ACORN-RI or indirectly to any of its affiliates."It is unconscionable for a single dime of taxpayer money be spent to support an organization that is engaged in this type of activity," said Governor Carcieri. "I am ordering a review of each state department, agency, and quasi-public agency to determine if ACORN is benefitting from taxpayer dollars."
Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to deny all federal funding for ACORN nationally in response to numerous incidents where the organization was allegedly involved in fraudulent activities at multiple ACORN offices nationwide. The U.S. Senate voted to deny all federal funding to ACORN earlier in the week.
The Governor is also asking the State Board of Elections to review the legal status of the ACORN-RI political action committee. "If ACORN-RI has used either Federal or State taxpayer dollars to support its political agenda, this activity must stop, and the Board of Elections must take appropriate legal actions against the organization."
I think the Gov also needs to add in the SEIU, the sister ship of ACORN and chief fundraiser.
Posted by: Roland at September 18, 2009 6:44 PMThank you Monique for letting us know and KUDOS to the Governor for taking this action. I wonder if the name of our illutrious Senator Seldom Righthouse will surface in any of investigations at the Board of Elections. I also wonder if his name will come up in conjunction with his campaign worker Delores LaFlamme of "Illegal Working at the Rhode Island Registry and selling R I drivers licenses to other Illegals" fame. I think ACORN is just the tip of the Iceberg.
Posted by: leprechaun at September 18, 2009 8:55 PMRoland- I agree but perhaps we should be investigating Sheldon since he voted against stopping the funds.
Posted by: karinina at September 18, 2009 9:52 PMIt sure would be interesting to check financial reports at RIBOE and see who gets support from ACORN and the other splinter groups. For the most part, we are not dealing with honorable people when we are talking to our elected officials.
Posted by: kathy at September 20, 2009 12:00 PM