October 12, 2009

The Weekend Autumn's Chill Arrived
Justin Katz
This weekend brought assorted topics:
- A personal story forced a decision about what an unborn child is.
- The Frank Williams story exposed a different social caste in Rhode Island
- A police union story brought up the question of who or what runs a town.
- A lawyer-convict story made us wonder whether there might be more.
- A budget-related story made conspicuous the free pass of the General Assembly.
- Parking fees appeared to be suspiciously targeted.
- A papal encyclical drew our thoughts to world government.
- An op-ed drew our thoughts to the playland fantasies of some opinionators.
- And the ACLU raised the question of whether it's for civil liberties so much as anti-American causes — not to mention the consequences of its actions.
- Which is closely tied with the punting of Columbus Day at Brown
- As well as the covering and potential destruction of a memorial cross in the desert.
- Finally, video from John Loughlin's healthcare town hall is up.
5:44 AM
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