November 9, 2009

East Providence GOP Fall Fundraiser, Part 2
Justin Katz
The next batch of video from the East Providence fundraiser on Thursday night begins with Congressional Candidate John Loughlin:
In the extended entry: Loughlin's brief Q&A and East Providence Assistant Mayor Robert Cusack.
11:57 AM
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This Loughlin is the biggest loser I have ever seen. Not only should he not be elected to Congress, he should be voted out of office he currently is in. Wow. I can't see why you give him any publicity at all and call on you to keep him off these pages. He is useless! he is just another Tea-Bagger loser. Rhode Island needs to return Congressman Kennedy to office, He's the only one who has the guts to stand up to the Pro-Life idiots, and keeps the money flowing here. Kennedy is intelligent, thoughtful and not afraid to fight for us. Get him on this site!
Posted by: Bill Wesson at November 10, 2009 11:17 AMSo Bill, apparently you are on the same meds as Patches.
Posted by: kathy at November 10, 2009 9:32 PM