November 10, 2009

Merit in a Meeting
So I'm at the Tiverton School Committee meeting that begins the town's discussion on merit pay for teachers. Tiverton Citizens for Change President David Nelson proposed a workshop to discuss the topic, and even just the conversation sparked thereby illustrates the need for a more substantial forum to discuss strategy, funding, tie-ins with the state, and so on. The motion to set up a workshop passed unanimously.
An interesting note: the audience consists of five TCC members (me among them), the wife of one, and Newport Daily News reporter Marcia Pobzeznik. No union folks. No teachers. That's peculiar even when there's nothing at all on the agenda.
Well, hey, if they want us to control the field on this one, we're happy to oblige.
Some points that have already been raised for thought:
- In Denver, merit pay took years to consider and pass.
- The Chariho district in Rhode Island has a clause in the latest contract to implement merit pay, with $400,000 to be put toward the result.