November 17, 2009

Obama Stimulus Helps RI's Invisible Districts
Thanks to President Obama's stimulus package, RI's 86th Congressional District has netted $10.2 million in aid and has had 58 jobs created (or saved)! The district, which encompasses the Williams and Franklin households in Ashaway, was given funds based on a proposal to open a low footprint, "green" factory for the manufacture of 100% eco-friendly air lined containers. This product--invisible and lightweight--has gained the attention of the aspiration and exhalation industries.
86th District Congresswoman Envy Sibal Williams was thankful for the stimulus help to her district. In a written statement, she explained that, "...over the last two years, the snipe-flu has raged through our domestic snipe farming operation. While some farmers have successfully transitioned to snipe hunting, others were having a tough go....These green jobs will more than make up for those lost."
Additionally, the 5th Congressional District saw $1.3 million in stimulus money. The district, sandwiched between the Jones and Smith houses on Conimicut point, will use the money to develop an entertainment complex--including bleachers and a concession stand--for the purpose of viewing the submarine races that are a regular, nightly attraction.
Unfortunately, the 00th Congressional District, located on the 2nd floor of a tri-decker in Central Falls, reported that they have received no stimulus aid while district(s) 4 and 6 through 85 have not responded to our inquiries.
In other news, the population in Rhode Island is booming...
Maybe Patrick Kennedy represents District 00? We need to vote this clown out!
Posted by: George at November 17, 2009 2:26 PMIn District 121, Madmom's front step was repaired with old bricks lying around in the basement and her attic stairwell was painted a lovely pale blue.
Oh wait, Madmom stimulated her own economy by getting off of her butt and doing the work herself. Does that count?
Posted by: MadMom at November 17, 2009 6:14 PMSorry MadMom but in Obama's world those who can do for themselves are enemy combatants. lol
Is there any legitimacy with any element of this President and his crowd?
Posted by: Tim at November 17, 2009 6:36 PMSorry, MadMom, getting off your butt and doing it yourself does not involve the federal government in any way. Accordingly, you will be receiving a supplemental tax bill from the IRS for having the temerity to demonstrate initiative and energy and, worst of all, for excluding the federal gov't from your project.
Posted by: Monique at November 17, 2009 6:44 PMNot to mention, MadMom, that you have violated the Davis-Bacon Act by not hiring union labor or paying equivalent prevailing wages and benefits.
Posted by: BobN at November 17, 2009 8:10 PMBobN, you point out a staggering violation!!
MadMom had an ironclad obligation to bring in government approved workers for her project and then spend and borrow herself into bankruptcy in order to pay them "prevailing" and "living" wages. (That's what local and state taxpayers are supposed to do, isn't it ...?)
The only shock is that federal marshals are not already knocking on her door.
Clearly someone inadvertently let the new Congressional redistricting out of the bag.
Posted by: Ragin' Rhode Islander at November 17, 2009 11:07 PMSloppy, embarassing staff work - I'm disappointed if whoever put this shoddy piece of work out there is still employed. Isn't there somebody who edits these things and catches obvious mistakes before they get loose?
Posted by: rhody at November 18, 2009 9:35 AMIf I were putting this together and wanted to engage in outright deception, though, I'd have fudged the numbers in existing districts.
I think there's a pretty straightforward explanation for this -- wasn't Vice-President Biden put in charge of monitoring the use of stimulus funds?
Posted by: Andrew at November 18, 2009 11:54 AM--I think there's a pretty straightforward explanation for this -- wasn't Vice-President Biden put in charge of monitoring the use of stimulus funds?
If you need evidence of media bias, look no further than the differential treatment given Dan Quayle vs. Joe Biden.
Quayle was a virtual MENSA member compared to Biden ... not to mention Biden's pervasive verbal gaffs and plagiarism.
Posted by: Ragin' Rhode Islander at November 18, 2009 12:39 PM