December 30, 2009

Whitehouse We Have Heard on High

Justin Katz

It's a curious standard, that which Edward Fitzpatrick applies to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's objectionable remarks on the Senate floor:

No doubt, those lines gave voice to the Democratic anger and frustration that mounts every time Sarah Palin posts more nonsense on Facebook. ...

Perhaps it's good for Rhode Island to have a fiery, outspoken senator to go with the understated Sen. Jack Reed. Perhaps there is some political utility to such speeches. If Palin is going to be using her Twitter account to perpetuate the "death panel" idea (PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year"), maybe Democrats need to do more to fire back.

Fitzpatrick appears to conclude that, based on the math of the vote, Whitehouse could have afforded to take the high ground, in this case, but think of the interaction that he's describing and at least partially justifying: A woman who is at most an open-ended candidate, but currently just another political commentator, puts content on social networking Web sites, and a man elected to represent the people of Rhode Island fires back in an official, scripted speech from the floor of the national legislature. One shudders to think what other government institutions the Democrats will consider utilizing to "fire back" at citizens who express unhelpful objections on the Internet.

Also curious is Fitzpatrick's position in light of his column — back before the "summer of death panels and socialists" as he quotes Dana Milbank — praising Whitehouse for being "aggressive." That was in reference to Whitehouse's comparison of the Bush administration to the historical horrors that he now applies more broadly, to everybody who opposes his party's takeover of American healthcare.

I'd suggest that the high road was left back when President Transparency and Compromise took office and began showing his partisan closed curtains, not the least by releasing reports casting conservative beliefs as reason for suspicion of terrorism, and when Democrats like Sheldon Whitehouse pounded the metaphorical table about the need for a "truth commission."


A side-note: Fitzpatrick cites the Obama-as-Hitler signage of Lyndon LaRouche supporters among the affronts to which Whitehouse is understandably reacting without mentioning that LaRouche is a Democrat. That information might be relevant to his narrative.

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Larouche and his followers are in their own world,and have been for decades-whether they call themselves Democrats or Rumpelstiltskin,it doesn't change their own particular beliefs which are dissimilar to most other political groups.
That said,Fitzpatrick is just the replacement left wing rumpswab for the odious Charlie "King of the Schnorrers" Bakst.Fitzpatrick probably has better table manners than Charlie,but so do most 2 year olds.

Posted by: joe bernstein at December 30, 2009 6:46 AM

LaRouche, technically, is a Democrat. That said, has he ever been invited to a Democratic National Committee event or other major Democratic gathering?
Ann Coulter, meanwhile, is invited to major national-level Republican events and appears on podiums introducing GOP presidential candidates.
Just a little something that needs to be said.

Posted by: rhody at December 30, 2009 11:53 AM

Larouche is nothing but a convicted criminal and bad joke who runs a cult. Whatever issue he is on is based on a 40 year scam of raising money and trying to recruit some naive people to raise money for him. The Democratic party to Larouche is just a coat to wear when you run a cult and want matching funds. Runnning for president got him laughs here in the USA, but it fooled a few third world and Mid East countries into letting an "Official Democratic Candidate for President" enter their countries and listen to a madman.

EVERY person in public ofice has been Hitler to Larouche and the cult. He needs to do this to run the cultists 18 hours a day, 7 days a week with a never ending end of the world collapse.

Larouche himself just forgave Adolf Hitler for killing Jews and now blames it on Harry Reid!

Therefore, Lyndon LaRouche today demanded the immediate resignation of Harry Reid. "Because Harry Reid has now made himself a duplicate of Adolf Hitler, he's responsible for every Jew who was killed by Hitler," LaRouche said. "Harry Reid must take personal responsibility for every Jew killed by Hitler, by allowing this thing to go through. Every Jew who was killed by Hitler, Harry Reid is responsible for now!

Just go to the cult's web site and read the delusions yourself. The Queen of England is also involved in health care in the USA as well!

For future reference, you can read about how this cult circus operates on these sites. look under social orgs.

Posted by: Lyn Marcus at December 31, 2009 10:24 AM
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