January 7, 2010

Loughlin Follows Through
As he promised Dan Yorke yesterday, Rep. John Loughlin has penned a letter (via Dan Yorke) to Governor Carcieri apologizing for co-signing a letter drafted by Democratic Rep. Amy Rice and also explaining steps he would take to help ameliorate some of the problems that the Governor's budget cuts are causing at the city and town level. An excerpt:
Dear Governor Carcieri:Good job, sir. I encourage you to read the rest of the letter for some good ideas proffered by Rep. Loughlin.I am writing to you about my signature on a letter dated January 5, 2010 regarding your proposed supplemental budget.
I signed the letter because I was frustrated with what I perceived to be unwillingness by some in your administration to even acknowledge substantive ideas relative to the budget. The letter was not fair to you or your staff because it should have included suggestions that would make a difference to the economic well being of Rhode Island.
While, in retrospect, I can be critical of the letter I signed, it does contain some truth which I will attempt to convey in a more constructive and respectful manner.
ADDENDUM: In the spirit of full disclosure, Anchor Rising's Justin Katz was asked for, and provided, feedback on a rough draft of this letter.
Wow. Could you imagine Patrick Kennedy doing something that requires that kind of character?
Posted by: Dan at January 7, 2010 4:18 PMWow, Dan, Wow
Posted by: Wow at January 7, 2010 5:24 PMWhy did he sign the letter in the first
Wow, Did you not read the blog???????????????????????????????????
Posted by: bobc at January 7, 2010 8:29 PMNow, John Loughlin is the kind of man greatly needed on the RI political landscape.
He was able to reach across the table (Amy Rice of all people!) and see some merit from the other side.
And then he recognized his failure to comprehend the exacting malice it would bring and explained himself.
Full disclosure and transparency!!!
Something we'll never get from Dictator Obama nor most Democrats in the GA.
Posted by: Roland at January 7, 2010 11:37 PM"And then he recognized his failure to comprehend the exacting malice it would bring and explained himself."
Roland, with all due respect. We need someone sharper than that. Someone who wouldn't be such a bonehead in the first place.
Posted by: Dominique Echekoparechart at January 8, 2010 12:38 AMDominique (du pays Basque)
How is Loughlin going to stand up to the special interests in Washington if he can't stand up to Dan Yorke?
Posted by: rhody at January 8, 2010 3:05 AMAll his flip-flop has accomplished is to provide Patches with a ready-made attack ad.
Loughlin is the best candidate against Kennedy since Kevin Vigilante.Dave Rogers' campaign was good until it hit a snag over the tire incident.
Posted by: joe bernstein at January 8, 2010 5:50 AMkennedy has screwed up a few times in close succession now,and he has never been this vulnerable-let's not be overly critical of a good candidate.And FWIW why should he care what Dan Yorke says?Yorke has a habit of screaming first and thinking second.It detracts from the quality of his show,because Yorke is actually a very intelligent guy.He just trips over his ego frequently.
"Roland, with all due respect. We need someone sharper than that. Someone who wouldn't be such a bonehead in the first place."
haha, you just described anyone who voted to make Paiva-Weed the Senate President!
Seriously, I understand your point but anyone in office will and can make mistakes but it's important to catch them before they're carved in stone such as Loughlin catching himself.
Posted by: Roland at January 8, 2010 8:51 AM